April 30, 2016 You Are Never Alone
Day 121
When the night is long and there seems to be no music, listen carefully, the melody will crescendo.
When the day is short and the answer did not come, remember, He is the answer.
When he or she did not call and you know what this means, do not forget how much you mean to Him.
When you are restless and there is no one around, He knocks and waits to dine with you.
When the spark left with your friends, know, He never leaves your side though you are prone to leave Him.
Your feelings can never push Him away.
He remains despite.
Your impressions can never change His view.
He loves you forever.
You are His child.
Song performed by Christopher Burkholder
Christopher Burkholder:
Kathryn Burkholder Productions:
- - - - - - - - - - -
Audio Produced by Christopher Burkholder
Written and Arranged by Christopher Burkholder
Engineered, Christopher Burkholder
Video by Kathryn Burkholder Productions
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
Day 120: April 29, 2016 Secret Church
April 29, 2016 Secret Church
Day 120
I am in the midst of watching my first Secret Church Simulcast given by David Platt. It is 11:27 pm and it is a break. This man talks like he is being hounded and hunted with little to no time to do anything but speak of the immediate need for the advancement of the gospel. David Platt is being exactly who God created Him to be, a man on a mission to spread the gospel and to kick the rest of us in the butt to do the same. David can not get through a paragraph without tearing. He is either overwhelmed by the sadness of those lost or touched by God's goodness and love. He is fully persuaded. I spent about fifty dollars to watch this. This money was well spent!
The video I have included is not the message I am currently listening to but it is a taste of David Platt's style and passion. We were told tonight that he had no caffeine in his system. He doesn't need it the Holy Spirit has it covered! Tonight we listened to him speak about....well, you know what....maybe you should just go to Radical.net and check out what the topic was.
This is the first time I have head about the Secret Church. God is indeed mobilizing a nation. Are you part of it? Do you want to be?
Day 120
I am in the midst of watching my first Secret Church Simulcast given by David Platt. It is 11:27 pm and it is a break. This man talks like he is being hounded and hunted with little to no time to do anything but speak of the immediate need for the advancement of the gospel. David Platt is being exactly who God created Him to be, a man on a mission to spread the gospel and to kick the rest of us in the butt to do the same. David can not get through a paragraph without tearing. He is either overwhelmed by the sadness of those lost or touched by God's goodness and love. He is fully persuaded. I spent about fifty dollars to watch this. This money was well spent!
The video I have included is not the message I am currently listening to but it is a taste of David Platt's style and passion. We were told tonight that he had no caffeine in his system. He doesn't need it the Holy Spirit has it covered! Tonight we listened to him speak about....well, you know what....maybe you should just go to Radical.net and check out what the topic was.
This is the first time I have head about the Secret Church. God is indeed mobilizing a nation. Are you part of it? Do you want to be?
Day 119: April 28, 2016 Wider Continues to Widen
April 28, 2016
Day 119
Wider's DNA is learning on the outside while creating sparks in the inside. The Wider School is growing as the vision continues to widen and expand. We are not conventional and never will be for our goal is to create critical thinkers who step aside the mainstream and passionately innovate. Wider is making a difference and we have proof in the pudding. The students who have gone on to other endeavors are succeeding. This is our guarantee, to leave ignited.
Wider encourages curiosity. We see questions as fuel, Wider never experiences fuel shortages. Many educators hate questions. You know why? Lack of control. But our teachers love for their students to have the control. For we are seeking learning and that soars past memorization.
Everything we need for our students is right under our nose. The community offers more than we will ever be able to use and Wider loves making those connections. B&H Organic Produce is one of those connections to day. We work for and learn from Erica at B&H. It is a symbiotic relationship. Wider is about learning on the outside while creating sparks in the inside.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Day 118: April 27, 2016 Word Revealed
April 27, 2016 Word Revealed
Day 118
The Holy Spirit drilled truth into my block cement pride while reading Colossians. "In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ, having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead."
Me: Wait!!!!What???? I did nothing?????
Holy Spirit:You did nothing!
Me: C'MON!!!!
Holy Spirit:Nothing
Me: So, let me get this straight, you mean there is nothing that will ever refer to my brilliance, my insight, my knowledge? You've got to be kidding.
Holy Spirit: Not kidding. He did it all for you.
Me: Christ?
Holy Spirit: Now that's brilliant.
Then came the word picture:
Scene - Caught in Sin and totally embarrassed because my friend is present
The accuser: (glaring) Did you do this pathetic, wretched, sinful crap?
Me: (horrified, I'm caught) uh, uh, well, um...
Friend: I did it.
Me: (side-glancing at friend, my eyebrows raised to hairline) No, you didn't, I did.
Friend: (no look in my direction but staring straight into the accuser's accusation) I take the blame.
Accuser: (glaring directly at me) What are YOU going to do?
Me: (guilty, panicking) uh, uh, well, um....
Friend: I'm cleaning up. I am taking care of it!
Me: No! I did it.
Scene- Holy Spirit explaining the Gospel again
Me: But I did it, Jesus did not.
Holy Spirit: Jesus took the blame as if He did it.
Me: But that makes me look like a jerk. I did it.
Holy Spirit: You are in complete need.
Me: I should take care of it, at least let me do that.
Holy Spirit: Yeah, well, that's called religion. And this is a relationship. You don't even know where to begin to fix your issues, let alone your sin.
Me: But that makes me look like a lazy bum.
Holy Spirit: And that wraps up the gospel.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Day 117: April 26, 2016 Heart Listen
April 26, 2016 Heart Listen
Day 117
To understand each other takes heart listening and this goes beyond the functionality of hearing. I must watch your movements, note the rate at which you speak, watch your eyes. Is there a sparkle or is there a sadness to them? What is your body position saying?
I must recognize that your statements might be questions and your questions might be statements. Sometimes your brief answer tells me more than the few words you used. Sometimes your long answer gives me just air with letters.
Before you begin to speak the silence fills paragraphs. Sometimes your silence is loud. Sometimes your loudness is silence. The words you say delete other words you used the day before. I holistically must pay attention as I heart listen. It is always worth the work. I do want to heart you.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Day 115: April 27, 2016 Tonight We Memory
Day 115
Jesse: Mom, can we have a fire tonight.
Mom: Yes, Jesse.
I sit beside the fire with my boy. The orange tongues pull us closer. In separate chairs, we dodge the sparks snuggling to the warmth. The cool air is perfect. It is not just another night but a night by the fire. Together we memory.
Mom: I love you Jesse.
Jesse: I love you too.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Day 115: April 24, 2016 From Hurt to Love
April 24, 2016 From Hurt to Love
Day 115
Hurt is murky muddied waters with a lack of clarity. When I am hurt I am in a fog of emotions barely able to see form and structure only blurred lines. My arms stretch between ropes as I blindly find my way over the cavern of unknown sources and triggers. In the early morning, today, I ask Jesus to show me the bottom line of the hurt. He does. He is good.
Jesus gently leads me to understand the source of this particular hurt. I am an includer. I love to include people and when I can I do. The hurt comes when it is not reciprocated and when something I have started is taken with no reference to me, no thank you, just a grab and go.
Jesus in answering my plea, is revealing to me the form in the shadows, the murky waters, clarity to my hurt. I now know what I need to ask forgiveness for and repentance from. He does not stop there.
In the murky waters Jesus begins to take shape. He transports me to the glory days of creation where He delighted in creating all things for you and I. I identify with this delight for I love projects and I love people. I love relationships. I love Jesus' heart for all of this. He speaks to my spirit, "Lynne, everyone took what I gave them and used it for other purposes never thanking me or even throwing a glance over their shoulders. They grabbed and went. You are experiencing what broke my heart. But it is well with your soul for I am yours and you are mine. And Lynne, you have done this as well. But I still love you and always will." He calls me to more repentance and I am more in love. His ways are higher than mine. He always raises the bar.
He further calls me to remember my advice to my children: I encourage them when hurt, wronged, left out, excluded, to feel it and be thankful. For this end of the stick is where Jesus's heart resides. Likewise, I encourage them not to be at the other end of the stick; the traitor, the excluder, the rejector. Our goal is to grow in love and understanding not in reaching the top. It all circles back to Him.
He leads me to a greater, deeper love while the blurred lines focus, the steam rises, and the fog lifts. He smiles at me, arms outstretched. He never hurts and always includes. It is His ever loving way. He asks me to do more of the same regardless of the outcome for it is well with my soul.
Note to self: Always ask Him to reveal the source of hurt in the murky waters, the fog. He will do it. He is good.
Day 115
Hurt is murky muddied waters with a lack of clarity. When I am hurt I am in a fog of emotions barely able to see form and structure only blurred lines. My arms stretch between ropes as I blindly find my way over the cavern of unknown sources and triggers. In the early morning, today, I ask Jesus to show me the bottom line of the hurt. He does. He is good.
Jesus gently leads me to understand the source of this particular hurt. I am an includer. I love to include people and when I can I do. The hurt comes when it is not reciprocated and when something I have started is taken with no reference to me, no thank you, just a grab and go.
Jesus in answering my plea, is revealing to me the form in the shadows, the murky waters, clarity to my hurt. I now know what I need to ask forgiveness for and repentance from. He does not stop there.
In the murky waters Jesus begins to take shape. He transports me to the glory days of creation where He delighted in creating all things for you and I. I identify with this delight for I love projects and I love people. I love relationships. I love Jesus' heart for all of this. He speaks to my spirit, "Lynne, everyone took what I gave them and used it for other purposes never thanking me or even throwing a glance over their shoulders. They grabbed and went. You are experiencing what broke my heart. But it is well with your soul for I am yours and you are mine. And Lynne, you have done this as well. But I still love you and always will." He calls me to more repentance and I am more in love. His ways are higher than mine. He always raises the bar.
He further calls me to remember my advice to my children: I encourage them when hurt, wronged, left out, excluded, to feel it and be thankful. For this end of the stick is where Jesus's heart resides. Likewise, I encourage them not to be at the other end of the stick; the traitor, the excluder, the rejector. Our goal is to grow in love and understanding not in reaching the top. It all circles back to Him.
He leads me to a greater, deeper love while the blurred lines focus, the steam rises, and the fog lifts. He smiles at me, arms outstretched. He never hurts and always includes. It is His ever loving way. He asks me to do more of the same regardless of the outcome for it is well with my soul.
Note to self: Always ask Him to reveal the source of hurt in the murky waters, the fog. He will do it. He is good.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Day 114: April 23, 2016 Surprised
April 23, 2016 Surprised
Day 114
"Creativity needs an audience." This phrase from Edith Schaeffer is one which my father said to me the time he and mom surprised us by showing up for one of Chris's backyard concerts. My parents live in Rhode Island which is six hours from here. Tonight this phrase ran through my brain when Mom and Dad surprised us again at the play. Tears flowed! My older two kept this secret, what fun!
Day 114
"Creativity needs an audience." This phrase from Edith Schaeffer is one which my father said to me the time he and mom surprised us by showing up for one of Chris's backyard concerts. My parents live in Rhode Island which is six hours from here. Tonight this phrase ran through my brain when Mom and Dad surprised us again at the play. Tears flowed! My older two kept this secret, what fun!
Friday, April 22, 2016
Day 113: April 22, 2016 Show Time
April 22, 2016
Day 113
The stage is lit, the set arranged, the costumes created, the playbills printed, the makeup applied, the concessions purchased and the miscellaneous pieces are in order. I need to bring real flowers and do we have time to put up the plates? The crew has scheduled the props and the assisting of costume changes, while the cast is rehashing lines and emotions tweaking it to their character. I am in heaven.
Looking over the playbill designed by a student with her mother's assistance is more than I can ask for, finding the minor edits is all that is left. Watching two cast mom's affix the head shots to our display board warms my heart as we all collaborate with one goal in mind - THE PLAY. I love every single bit of this.
What a privilege to be part of something magnificent from 2001 till 2016. I gain energy from everything about this process and it shows - I can not shut up! My dear friends who traveled this path with me in the early 2000's are now gone. All except those of us who kept having children, Pam and Bonnie and I. And we would do it again, we love our younger ones. Life does march faster than I prefer.
Years from now, when I am old and grey, the memories will be a feast on Sunday afternoons when no one is visiting. The glimpses of past relationships, bloopers, sets, props, and cast parties will warm and excite my heart. I will fondly remember I Remember Mama, Get Smart, Mr. Toad's Mad Adventures, Once in a Lifetime, Beverly Hillbillies, The Three Musketeers, You Can't Take it With You, The Importance of Being Earnest, just to name a few.
I treasure the first night of the play. All the pieces pull together and we still have two more times to perform. I love hearing the status of the ticket sales and concession stand. It all builds and we begin to look forward to the Cast and Crew party. This is satisfaction at best - pinch me!
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Day 111: April 20, 2016 Drama Journey is Key
April 20, 2016 Drama Journey is Key
Day 111
The relationships make a drama worth the details, the lugging, the conspiring, the sweating, the sewing, the scheduling, everything.
The alumni bless us with their help. They were bit by the bug and they come back and help us with details. Thank you Katie!
Geoffrey, an alumnus is key this year. There is something about his presence that calms.
He is a great assistant.
Megan, had dear Molly. We miss her and God saw fit to allow us to continue with Saige, our director this year. What a blessing! I would love to see these two work together, a girl can dream.
The cast and crew are extraordinary. To watch them learn to know one another is pure joy for me!
The students learn not only drama techniques but job training. Drama always allows cast and crew to gain insights into their intra and interpersonal skills and interactions.
The technical experience will aid this young gentleman. Who knows where he will end up? But for now, in an encouraging environment, he is doing sound. It is all about on the job training.
These two young men are all about the lights. Their buttons are not only moving up and down but using all shades of light in the school auditorium.
The cast is full of sweet women.
"If you want to be cool, be Saige." Quote of the year by Jesse Burkholder. Need I say more?
Deeper relationships are not just the fruit of the play but the reason for it!
This is my understanding and estimation of all things important.
Fun is also a great consequence of coming together for a coordinated effort.
Learning to be directed is a needed element in all of our psyches.
This year we find a changing of the guard. Families who have been part of the Community Homeschool Players since 2001 are almost gone. Those of us who still had children in our 40's are still in the thick of it.
Learning to know Saige was a privilege to all this year.
Little Women is being performed by the Community Homeschool Players in the Twin Valley Middle School auditorium on April 22 at 7 pam and April 23 at 2 pm and 7 pm. Tickets are $5 and donations are greatly appreciated!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Day 110: April 19, 2016 Stand in Rest
Day 110
We love to work. We love to create. We love to plan. We love to strategize. We love to plot. We love to organize. But most importantly, we love to know that "we did it." However, followers of Jesus are called to rest and watch God plan, create, plot and organize His body. This is the rub of christianity, we want recognition and there is no reflection on our awesomeness of birds-eyeing it and plotting our way but rather a definite call to God's amazingness.
Our pride is pricked but our spirit soars when we have to give God glory. But the more we give God the glory the more he allows us to be used in His amazing strategic plans, plots and purposes. The more we are involved in God's purposes the more we rest in a deep understanding of all that God does.
Resting in God's kingdom has nothing to do with laziness but rather standing. We are allowed to stand in confidence, in assurance, in willingness, in readiness and in faith. This is our rest, our work, to stand.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Day 109: April 18, 2016 Who Sees?
April 18, 2016 Who sees?
Day 109
She is afraid and who will ever believe her. In public it looks normal. Behind closed doors it is the edge of a terrifying cliff. Her constant fear, obsession, is that he will someday push her over and her little ones will know no mother. To many they would never suspect he is capable of such harm. But to her she knows only harm, it is a constant threat. He has never touched her, his words though have impaled her heart.
Who will believe her? She is the quiet one while he is full of charm and wit. The turn on a dime dizzies her mind, how does he do it? The hand raises he smiles, the hand drops he frowns, quick up, quick down, smile, frown. She is a turtle with emotions and a hare with denial. Why has she allowed this? Maybe because no one will believe her.
He twists and turns with lightening speed bolting shards of hurt with every boom of anger. This has been going on ever since the door slammed shut shielding the community from truth but exposing her to his reality of a very dark force. She is stuck and her mind spins mud. No one will believe her.
Is this you, dear one? He hears, He sees, He knows, He waits. Call on the name of Jesus. Turn to Him. Ask Him the tough questions and expect the answers. Fall into His arms of extreme and painful love. Listen to His voice and do what He says, what He says, not what they say. I hear Him calling your name!
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Day 108: April 17, 2016 Slumber On
April 17, 2016 Slumber On
Day 108
Sleep comes to the weary. May you rest tonight and may your slumber fill you with peace. Take time to usher those negative thoughts out the back door. And then make sure you ask Him for His thoughts to come through the front. See you in the morning. Good night.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Day 107: April 16, 2016 Plans and Purpose
April 16, 2016 Plans and Purpose
Day 107
Today, it was set and determined. I was going to clean, Lynn was going to do Gazebo. Day scheduled. Done deal-e-o. Then Sarah calls. "Lynne, are you going to Petra? I can pick you up." No, I am cleaning. The play is in a week, exactly, and I have a list out the whazoo. I can not take the prophetic gifting class, no way. "C'mon, Lynne, let me pick you up." I can't go.
Recalibrating. She picks up me and my son, Chris, who has been planning on going and away we ride, to Petra. I find myself engaging in the class as if I had been anticipating it for weeks, not at all like a woman doggy paddling in details up to her eyeballs. I marvel at the gifted teacher, Kara Graver Sensenig. She explains the gift of prophecy as if it is as natural as breathing. The muddied waters are clearing for me and the fresh spring water invites me to drink and drink and drink. Thank you Sarah for the reminder call. I am a knuckle head.
Upon our arrival home, Chris and I make lunch, we are starved, we had left in a rush. We decide to eat outside and Kathryn and Lynn join. Soon, Noelle, a new business member of our community joins us and we fellowship. Noelle and her husband have a chiropractic business in Darby Square, Robyn, our daughter, benefits already from their practice. What a lovely way to spend the afternoon.
Kathryn and I meet Katie Schwartz at the storage unit and finish some last minute painting on the set for next Saturday's, Little Women. These two women should be professional painters. After we finish we catch Jesse's baseball game but only after we pick up Theo and Sadie. Theo is always game to go and Sadie is just pure joy.
Today, it was set and determined. I was going to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Many are the plans of a man's heart but the purpose of the Lord prevails. (this is found somewhere in Proverbs) I will clean another day. Done Deal - e - o.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Day 106: April 15, 2016 First World Privilege
April 15, 2016 First World Privilege
The little Fat Book I carry with me is filled with lines of action, things that, today, I must try to tick off the list. In no time would you see that my list represents First World privilege. I revel in these life affirming tasks I am allowed to be a part of and what it takes to accomplish the list. Sure there are times when they contain nail bitting items, but these indicate life and relationships and for this I am grateful.
There are many today whose list will not be fulfilled as tragedy strikes and wipes it clear. There are some who will forget their list as they rush out the door in an effort to escape terrorists. There are many who never need a list, for there is nothing ever for them to do. There will be some today who are changing their list as the dreaded call has come and they find themselves in a hospital room standing over their loved one with no assurance.
My "To Do" list is a First world privilege. It brims with hope.
April 15, 2016
~ask Katie S. can come to look at the set on stage.
~find curtains - storage unit?
~find fabric at Goodville Fabric
~purchase video clearance for play
~ask Becky S. about video operator
~purchase the sound of horses
~need to purchase the sound of a party
~know where the props go
~help stage crew organize clean up for stage after performance on Apr. 22
~send out sat. end performance clean up schedule Apr. 22
~go to father-in-laws to find chair and brown rug
~need different wine glasses
~get the wig from Sandi T.
~get crystal balls from Sandi T.
~Kathryn get door made
~should there be curtains between flats
~what should food for cast party be
~Should there be curtains between the flats
~Wrap up the ads
~Go to some places tomorrow
~Thank you cards
~make sure auditorium wall stays-tell Dave Cook
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Day 105: April 14, 2016 Saige
April 14, 2016
Day 105
Many folks wondered, where did we find the director for this year's play? If you can follow the trail of connections, people, places, car rides and circumstances it all leads to Saige Hassler. It was destiny. We were in need, our director, Megan Pupek, was going to have a baby and we understood, family comes first and God always supplies.

Play forward and the magic has exploded into a million stars of wonder. The play of choice this year is "The Little Women" and it is charming, sad, and dear. The students are learning so much and their time with Saige is enchanted. Though she feels challenged by the added responsibilities of Stage Director, she is enjoying it. Every year is kissed with wonder for the Community Homeschool Players and this year is no different with a Saige kiss.
Saige is butter to toasted bread, spreading smooth and going down well. We are grateful for God's provision. Saige Hassler has quite the acting credits - Have fun googling her name. But most importantly come and watch her recent adventures with Little Women performed by Community Homeschool Players. You will not be disappointed.
Little Women will be performed by Community Homeschool Players on April 22 and 23 at 7 pm both nights and 2 pm for the Saturday matinee. Cost is $5 per person and donations are appreciated. Children 3 and under are free.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Day 104: April 13, 2016 Perfection or Christ
April 13, 2016 Perfection or Christ
Day 104
The need for perfection forcefully pulls. It demands extreme. You can not look to the left or to the right, you must FOCUS. The goal matters. The result is all important and the process requires consummate dedication. The cost of perfection, whether it be time, place, or people, does not matter, you simply must pay it and pay it all.
Perfection has eyes only for excellent results. It has no time for the unsuitable. For the imperfect there is no room, no vision. Flawed means less than and less than is disregarded. Perfection marches on and over all that is in the way.
We kingdom dwellers must distinguish between the need for perfection and the call of Christ. The difference is life or death. Perfection draws us into a tight room, no windows, no exit, and no air. Christ, the perfect one, calls us to the waves, the breakers, the full on depths. He calls us to the mess.
I am weary and exhausted by perfection's pace He is calling me to himself. In the stern of a boat He sleeps while the wind and waves howl and roll. I too will rest in the storm. I must follow Him.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Day 103: April 12, 2016 Border Crossing
April 12, 2016 Border Crossing
Day 103
There is much that is required. The little bit that he knows shuts him down in depression. There is much to do to cross the border, but he has not begun. The sirens should fuel urgency, they do not. The damage he's caused costs him thousands, maybe millions. He has yet to find work to pay his way out of the rockless pit. Does he really understand what he has to earn? I am beginning to wonder.
Television sounds emanate from his room, blue light leaks between the cracks. He should be utilizing his time. Does he even feel the guilt for all his wrongs, is he aware of how many he has hurt? When will he begin to earn his way out? Effortlessly, he slides into the slime but it is going to take so much effort to get out. Why would anyone want to help him? How is someone going to help him?
His terrorized look moves people away. He is not right and he is reckless. All that needs to be fixed will take him forever. His debt is astronomical. He sits there with his back turned, he will not ask for help. The sirens blare, the threat moves closer. He looks over his shoulder with haunted eyes. He is troubled. If he would just make moves to prepare, get ready, maybe someone would help.
The shrill and finality of the siren screams into the stagnate air pulling people to tension, all hearts painfully race. No one can afford the cost of the border crossing. No man can earn their way. I begin to realize this man is not alone. It is shared inertia with the entire town mired by the impossibility of climbing out of debt. One by one I see all eyes are haunted.
They all sit with backs turned. No one makes a move to earn their way out and across the border. They know they have to, but they do nothing. Some are trying and their attempts are laughable and embarrassing compared to what they owe. This group disgusts me! Danger is at their door and unless they do something there is no hope of crossing the border, it will be nonnegotiable.
There is only one border and the way is treacherous, dangerous and miles from where they are. It takes arduous, calculated and skilled work to make this trek to freedom. It overwhelms the depressed town, inertia is in full force. It is all too much.
There is more. The guard. He is impossible to please with his high demand of justice. Even if they could manage to earn the cost, there is no hope of pleasing the guard. They are in debt and they have no hope. The guard demands their life. So they sit haunted, hunted, anchored in sludge. There is no hope.
A man comes out of nowhere, no one has heard of his town. He says he can help. I watch him offer everything to the sickened group, everything. He brings them to a river and asks them to climb on his back. What????!!!!! This man is delusional, he overestimates himself. Forget this rescue, no way is it going to happen. I thought he had more to offer than this.
He looks at me and asks me to climb on his back??????? WAIT! WHAT????? !!!! I do not need rescue. I have enough money to pay my debt. I can cross the border and I know the guard. I have put hours into studying the path and I have what it takes. I can swim across this river, it looks calm. I peer into the water, haunted eyes stare back. Who is looking over my shoulders. No one!
The sirens blare, smoke from the west is heading this way, it is imminent, we need to cross the border. The man who offers rescue is shot and killed, we watch his body removed while the murderers laugh at his audacious claims. Little did they know his death would be our rescue. This was not the end. He would come back to life.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Day 102: April 11, 2016 "Culture of Honor" by Danny Silk
April 11, 2016 "Culture of Honor" by Danny Silk
Day 102
Rusty and Janet Richards were over for dinner this winter. Their presence warmed my soul, our souls. As we sat around the table I shared my frustration with what I call toxic churches lacking healthy cultures. Why is no one talking about the culture of a church? In his understated, yet directed way Rusty said, "They are talking about culture." My mind went on alert mode, I was all ears.
There began Rusty's introduction to "Culture of Honor" by Danny Silk. Mind you, my person is like the Ephesus church desperate for everything to line up with the word of God, so my entrance door is well guarded. I have held the charismatic movement at a comfortable arm's length certainly not denying it but equally not embracing it fully for fear of... who in the world knows what!!! I have called it the charismatic movement in a distancing sort of way which keeps me from all affect. But the Trinity is asking me to go beyond the stigma and enter into the fellowship leaving fear at the door.
So, I follow for I am alive and being led to a fuller understanding of the work of the Spirit. It is a result of my nose, eyes, ears, head and shoulders, knees and toes dunked in the word of John and specifically chapters 14, 15,16,17. I will never be the same. Nor do I want to be.
With this book my eyes are opened, pulling things together that have been confusing within the church walls. Faces of individuals fly into my brainscape and fill me with more compassion and understanding as I learn about the Five fold ministries. This is making a significant dent in my walk with Jesus.
There is a great analogy Danny Silk uses to lead to a deeper understanding of what is called the Fivefold anointings, ministries. In my attempt to move along at a clip I will briefly share his definitions. He describes "what might happen if they all arrived together at the scene of an accident.....The Pastor is the first one out of the car. He scrambles to assess the situation and begins a triage approach in applying First Aid to injured victims... The Teacher.... studies the situation in order to figure out what caused the accident. He steps back, notices the patterns of the skid marks and the distance each car moved before and after the impact... The Evangelist arrives on the scene and asks everyone lying in a safe, comfortable place (thanks to the pastor), 'If you were die as a result of your injuries, do you know where you would go - Heaven or Hell'....The Prophet knew this was going to happen because he had a dream about it the previous night....When he discovers the one in charge, he discerns whether this is God's chosen leader or not...The Apostle prays for the injured.... He invites the supernatural healing touch of God into the scene...He then opens a school for those who arrive at car accident scenes and sends them all over the world to do signs and wonders."
Here are some targeted quotes, certainly not in the order seen in the book, flying straight to my heart causing it to grow and discern.
Maybe you will enjoy them as well. One never knows.
~"The kingdom of Heaven invading the earth is the goal, not unsaved people invading the Church."
~"A culture of honor is created as a community of people learn to discern and receive people in their God-given identities."
~"Honor is the hardware that bolts all this plumbing together. This 'funnel' is actually a network of relationships, relationships in which the 'flow'....only continues as we learn to recognize these God-given roles and anointings, release people to operate in them, and receive what they have to give."
~"The fivefold design for leadership is obviously a team design, so the one-man show version of Church leadership is clearly not an expression of it, and neither is the bureaucratic, homogenous, 'everyone can do every job' style of leadership."
~"The way we parent our children when they make mistakes reflects most clearly what we believe about human failure, particularly sin. So many of us think that sin, mistakes, and falling short are more powerful than God's heart for us. So many of think that human failure is this powerful force that will overcome us, and that therefore we must manifest pseudo power over it through partnership with a spirt of fear!"
~"Through the cross, Jesus introduced something into the world that we still don't understand. He has made each and everyone of us unpunishable."
~"Shame tries to keep people trapped in their mistakes by convincing them that there is nothing they can do, that they are powerless. When we lovingly removed the shame over them, these two became powerful again, faced their consequences, and went around cleaning up their mess."
Therein ends the hodgepodge of quotes stirring within my being as the Spirit moves me lovingly forward.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Day 101: April 10, 2016 Towers
April 10, 2016 Towers
Day 101
The Tower of Babel was a human feat of exceptional proportions, beyond brilliant, an amazing act stewarding human resources to the zillionth degree. The tower rose high based on their ability to agree, to express their ideas, to work efficiently, and to coordinate their skills. Their work ethic rivaled any Mennonite. They watched the tower rise! These men and women understood how to get things done and they actually did it! They celebrated their ingenuity, their brilliance, and their intelligence and dedicated their strength and glory to the one they loved - THEMSELVES. The party must have been massive.
Today many of us will go to our own man made edifices and we'll call it church. We will have no need to ask God any questions for we have it figured out. We're good, we're all good.
A good man by the name of A. W. Tozer once said, "If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95 percent of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference. If the Holy spirit had been withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95 percent of what they did would stop, and everybody would know the difference."
Listen and know there is only one tower- the name of Jesus!
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Day 100: April 9, 2016 Choking Trail
April 9, 2016 Choking Trail
Day 100
The stagnant air gasps with missed opportunities, lack of obedience, refusal to respond, avoidable mishaps, misguided decisions, depression, distrust, disillusionment, disorderly conduct, denial, and failure. Anxiety, fret, insecurity, uncertainty, nervousness, and trauma, breath in and breath out. Agitation, fighting, disfigurement, panic, tension, and terrorized fear mark the atmosphere. The exit is blocked, the unmovable boulder means no way out. The pale, dim yellowed, flickering light has extinguished. You are trapped, you begin to hyperventilate. There are no colors and there are no options. Life is limited, lacking, loveless, lifeless and full of sharp, painful pieces of chard.
The straight path was through a wilderness of choking dust. The story was written on the back of all things haunting, terrorizing and wrong. Relationships dishonored, bodies betrayed, and alliances are broken. A brother kills his only brother not for anything other than jealousy, pure disgusting coveting, and leaves others to grieve and heave with confusion. Disobedience always smears others in its path with a coat of vagueness that fogs the view and leaves shame to fill the dislodged foundations.
The story's scene is blackened with disease, blame, denial, exhaustion and crippling fear. This is the story's universal setting. The characters, steeped in denial, is also universal encompassing everyone in its scope. No one is left out, no one. Everyone who ever was, is, or will be, on the sickened planet is swept into the same wreaking dumpster. No one, no one can escape. All the denial in the world does not remove the reality. You and I wreak and are clothed in black shame.
The story pushes forward over the dust filled shame as this treacherous, lifeless, trail fills with answers, visions, meaning, rescue. But our vision is betrayed. We had hoped for something more, something more beautiful, more recognizable. Our rescue, our Hope, rides a plain donkey. A donkey? An innocuous beast of burden clomping on a rocky trail. Where is the beauty in this? Where is the lovely beat of the horse's hooves? A donkey?
Our rescue, our Hope, is born in an animal house, a manger, not sought by humans for creature comfort, there is no room for Him, for Hope, in other places. It remains true even still, no room. Hope needs not pristine settings. Never has to. Never will. Hope choses death to be the means of rescue and none of this makes sense. But it is imperative to understand that Hope and circumstances have nothing in common and will never depend on one another. Hope is Hope, regardless.
Sin smears, Hope clears. Hope ushers in with a humble announcement. Power needs no fanfare. What was vague becomes vision. Confusion leaves, there is no room with understanding. Circumstances remain, for though Hope clears the air it does not need circumstances to clear out, it sits on the back of all things awful and brings rescue. Many attempt to clean for Hope and that is plain absurdity at best. Hope solicits no help.
Though Hope offers all, some of us would rather the grime if it it means that we can be involved in the clean up. Our embarrassment hinders acceptance of Hope. Though Hope offers all, some of us would rather the dark if it means that we can attempt to find our way out. Our embarrassment hinders acceptance of Hope. Hope is a hand reached out to our pit, grabbing the hand is recognition of our pit. Refusing the hand is denial of our pit.
Hope moved the boulder and floods a dull scene with brilliant light. To our nooks, crannies, and unseen crevices, Hope reveals. Hope needs not our goodness for it is Good. Hope was birthed in filth, rode an unworthy beast, dies shamefully, and rises above to rescue us. Hope is the living God come to earth.
Will you take His Hand?
Friday, April 8, 2016
Day 99: April 8, 2016 Erica and B&H Organic Produce
April 8, 2016 Erica and B & H Organic Produce
Day 99
The privilege of hopping in my car and driving five miles down the road to one of the best organic farms in the area does not go unnoticed by me. Erica Lavdanski, in partnership with Paul Hartz, has been farming on five acres of the fifteen available for her to use for over nine years. Yesterday, between Paula and myself, we ferried nine students to work/learn at this beautiful spot nestled in a valley within the valley. Erica wowed the students just as I knew she would.
A number of years ago I had the privilege of doing a work share for her organic Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Someone from the Health Food Store noticed me and said, "Lynne, YOU are into organic?" The shock tone was dripping. My quick response was, "No, I am into Erica!" This woman is an all time favorite of mine. She is sharp, means buisness, knows how to organize, understands the need for efficiency, works deals, and is warm. But you don't mess with her and I think that is what I love the most. She demands respect.

We left with an understanding of "organic" from the horse's mouth. Here is some of what we learned. She only purchases organically certified seeds. And with those seeds she is growing original varieties, heirlooms, which were in existence before plants were breed to ship, to store well, and to harvest before they were ripe. In many respects the breeding process also bred out flavor and nutrition.
Erica cares and farming organically is an expression of caring about the customers, employees and the land. A large portion of her customer base is chemically sensitive and can only use organic vegetables from certified organic farms (that is an entirely other subject). She cares about her employees. The cancer rates on farms with sprays is astronomical. She cares about the land. Farming organically requires using only things that will break down in the soil, plastic products never do. She is a clean farmer never using synthetic products to control the pests, the weeds, the diseases instead she uses organic products, ways and means and we all benefit.
Yesterday, information, the Wider students have heard before, became real, tangible and finally had a safe place in their brains. We will continue our time with Erica on Thursdays for four more sessions. Both Erica and I feel the electricity, the visions of the future and the need for more students to learn about clean farming, all things organic, and the environment. For now, we will continue to look mundane as we place seeds in soil and use a spray hose to water. But Erica, I, and the Wider students all know, we walked through a portal yesterday and will never be the same.
You need to check out B & H Organic produce. There are still some summer shares available (I still need one- I should be careful, they go fast!). Does it cost more than purchasing food from the grocery store or local stands? Sure. Is it worth it? I will let you get back to me on that one after you eat the marvel. All I can say is the price of the organic vegetables on a scale would be sailing in the air as the value, the worth of the cost, would be pushed to the ground.
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