Thursday, June 30, 2016
Day 178: June 30, 2016 Weakness is the Door Not the Exit
June 30, 2016 Weakness is the Door Not the Exit
Day 178
When I am not comfortable in my own skin I pull you into a place of not enough, instability, insecurity and uncertainty. My security or lack thereof affects more than my inner person, it affects you. When I am confident it allows you a stable ground from which to approach me. Confidence does not puff up and caress the ego. But rather, confidence allows one to be transparent, honest, vulnerable and weak.
Confidence in our weakness throws wide open the door of opportunities for it searches for strength. Weakness knows it is in need. A common mistake is to associate weakness with fear. But weakness and fear have nothing in common. Being in need does not mean you have to fear. It just means you are in need. Weakness needs strength. Self preservation stemming from fear blinds eyes to strength.
Jesus is our strength. Our weakness is for His Glory. We are not ashamed of our weakness it leads us to the One we boast in, the One we Love! While fear blinds weakness seeks light.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Day 176: June 28, 2016 Tragic
June 28, 2016 Tragic
Day 176
Another bombing. More deaths. More blood. Loss of life.
He died for this. He died for this. Does this make sense? No, it doesn't and it never will.
The bombings, the deaths, and the blood grieve His spirit.
His blood settles the trauma, the hurt and the pain, yet, He grieves with us.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Day 175: June 27, 2016 Justified
June 27, 2016 Justified
Day 175
My thinking veers off
and I am still justified.
My behavior is often
unimpressive and even
that does nothing to my
status of justification.
My priorities are always
and still my status
remains the same -
My lifestyle is not on
point and I remain justified.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Day 176: June 26, 2016 My Homeland
June 26, 2016 My Homeland
Day 176
One day, sometime back in the early 70's, when I was in sixth grade, my family visited the Twin Valley area.
It was like a dream. The young boy in the Amish buggy clip clopping to fill his water jug with fresh spring water was a page out of an enchanted story. I did not want to leave. My heart was full.
Fast forward to the year 2016, one marriage later and six children, this community is now my beloved home.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Day 175: June 25, 2016 Done Deal or Not?
June 25, 2016 Done Deal or Not?
Day 175
Cessation means the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end. Many believe that the works of the Holy Spirit have ceased and therefore call themselves Cessationists. They believe once the bible was canonized there was no need for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be in operation. These gifts were purposeful for a time but not for now.
If we use some synonyms for cessation we might have the following sentences. We have been arrested, stopped, from using the gifts of the Spirit. There is a break from them, we are in a breather period of time. The gifts have ceased, the time has closed, the gifts are concluded and cutoff. They have been discontinued and we are in a downtime. There is an end to the gifts. They are frozen, halted, they are on a hiatus. There is an intermission of the gifts, an interruption. The gifts are laid-off. They have paused and are in recess. There is a respite from the gifts. They have been resting and are at a standstill. They have stopped. There is a stoppage of the gifts. They are suspended and terminated. The gifts are in a time-out. There is a break-off of the gifts. The gifts have ceased. They have come to a grinding or screaming halt. In conclusion there is a time off.
Those sentences just do not flow in light of the New Testament.
We can also use the antonyms for the word cessation and create the following sentences. The gifts are in action and there is activity. The gifts are advancing and beginning. They have commenced and are in continuation. There is continuity of the gifts. There is an introduction and opening of the gifts. They gifts are in a time of persistence and have started.
These sentences seem right.
So, the question is, when Jesus died and rose again and then ascended into heaven, did we or did we not receive the Holy Spirit? And if we did receive the Holy Spirit why? Is the Spirit simply a downpayment? And what is the Holy Spirit able to continue or was terminated from doing? Is there a hiatus going on right now until the arrival of Jesus Christ? What is salvation, a forgiveness of sins and now we wait until He comes and endure the injustice of the land because there is nothing we can do. If the gifts are not in operation and the Holy Spirit does not operate in us like Jesus did on this planet is it just status quo from here till eternity? What do I use to fulfill the Great Commission? I was saved by grace through the Holy Spirit but now I am on my own and I am not the hands or feet of Jesus but just the prayer warrior. Looks like prayer closet for me and I probably do not need to show my face. Am I on the right track if I believe the gifts have stopped?
When I believe in something I try to follow my beliefs to the fullest conclusions. Do they make sense to me? To not believe that the Holy Spirit has given me gifts to be used today is very hard to believe as I have studied a multitude of books in the Bible and they all indicate a very active and present God. It is very hard for me to believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not in operation through us and in us today for the sake of His kingdom.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Day 174: June 24, 2016 Content
June 24, 2016 Content
Day 174
I can reflect on yesterday.
Was I content?
Today I do a live run through.
Am I content?
I can wonder about tomorrow.
Will I be content?
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Day 173: June 23, 2016 You Never Know
June 23, 2016 You Never Know
Day 173
It started with Tiffany coming in the morning to the Coffee Gazebo saying that she is meeting Robyn for coffee and Brie is coming as well. Hannah then came for her morning Toddy and then Sarah came. Pam jumped in on the fun at some point and before you knew it there was chatter, connection, children running and laughing and general goodwill all around. To think that just five minutes before Tiff arrived it was really quiet. I love the spontaneity of this Gazebo.
Day 173
It started with Tiffany coming in the morning to the Coffee Gazebo saying that she is meeting Robyn for coffee and Brie is coming as well. Hannah then came for her morning Toddy and then Sarah came. Pam jumped in on the fun at some point and before you knew it there was chatter, connection, children running and laughing and general goodwill all around. To think that just five minutes before Tiff arrived it was really quiet. I love the spontaneity of this Gazebo.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Day 172: June 22, 2016 Fighting Warriors on Bended Knee
June 22, 2016 Fighting Warriors on Bended Knee
Day 172
Last night I was in the midst of fighters, warriors, true and honorable men and women. The honor was overwhelming. We walked into the owner's high-level office. The view was spectacular. These men and women have walked some tough roads and fear only one thing, The Lord their God. As they poured out their hearts in the throne room of all throne rooms, the Creator God listened and listened well.
They begged, they pleaded, they asked for prisoners to be set free, for darkness to be uncovered, and for freedom to reign. They know that their relationship to the Creator God, the Sovereign One is from where they receive their direction, their purpose, their orders, and the love He has for them. For it is the love which fuels these men and women. They love the Creator God and out of their relationship with Him flows an intense love for His created beings.
Last night I was in the midst of fighters, warriors, true and honorable men and women who want to serve their God. They desire freedom for those in Reading who are trafficked. They desire freedom for those in Reading who are domestically abused. They desire for silence to be turned into praise. They desire for the little ones to know their Creator. They desire for justice to flow through this city like a flood of righteousness.
On bended knee I desire to go again to the spectacular high-level office space. I will sojourn with these men and women forever. Do you want to come?
Sites for Intentionality
Training this weekend at Safe House of Hope
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Day 171: June 21 Mind Chatter vs. God
June 21, 2016 Mind Chatter vs. God
Day 171
Someone just recently asked me, "Is God's voice an actual voice you can hear? There are probably people who do hear it but I don't. Or can it sometimes be just a thought or feeling? I feel like it's my mind chatter most of the time and I am not sure if it is me or God or the Holy Spirit maybe trying to speak to me. I know not to listen to the negative fearful thoughts but it's not always easy!"
What an awesome question full of faith! She knows God is present. She knows God is listening and she knows God is speaking. She just wants to know how to distinguish whether it is her, Him, or the bad guy. This is the point with which we all must wrestle: How to hear God. My prayer for my children since they were in the womb is, "Lord, please let them hear you!" This is where Eve and Adam went terribly wrong. This is where we all jump off the abyss when we listen to the wrong voice.
Listening to His voice is based on faith, not methodology. Listening to God is responding to the thoughts, the thoughts that encourage you to do the right thing, even if it looks insane... So, if you have been in ear shot of me this weekend you have heard this story (sorry) but if not, this is a clear example of hearing God through the mind chatter, acting on faith (feeling very foolish) and watching Him work. Some of the details I am leaving out for various reasons.
We are at a sporting event a while ago and there is a young girl, probably 8 or 9 years old, who clearly does not want to participate. I watch the entire scene and hear the coach's ultimatums. My heart begins to hurt, I am distressed watching adults mishandle children's emotions and their spirits. This young girl is stubborn but I do not sense a belligerence (rarely do with children). Scene ends and the next one begins twenty minutes later with a bunch of individuals trying to coax her to get into an event she signed up. This girl is not having it. Some adults are saying, "You just have to make her." Some are pushing her (it's not obnoxious but it is) and then there is a woman who looks like she could be her sister. She is clearly frustrated and after a 5 minute plead session with more people than should have been allowed, this woman walks off with this young girl. She is clearly frustrated and will not hold the little girl's hand. Twice she shrugs off the little girl's silent request. I then begin to witness this tug of war. The woman is packing to leave and the little girl obviously does not want to. The woman is ticked.
My heart is pounding and there it begins......the Voice of God begins to walk among my mind chatter.
Act I Scene 1
Mind Chatter: What should I do, God? Hey! Hold on one minute. God, why am I asking this? I shouldn't do anything. That would be just weird. (I hate being weird.)Mind Chatter: God, I need to give them their personal space. C'mon, God. They are not even on our team. What if this is just me thinking this? How foolish will I look?
God: When have I let you down by leading you to help. When is the last time the enemy has asked you to do something like this?
Mind Chatter: Well, maybe it's a trap! I need to be wise. What am I going to say?
God: This is not about "rehearsal" this is about faith. Trust me, Lynne. Just start moving.
Mind Chatter: Ok. I'm moving.
Scene 2
Lynne: Hi, uh, would you be willing to come over here? Can I speak with you?Woman: (she is looking at me with extreme caution) Uh, Sure.
Lynne: So, what is your relationship to the little girl? I saw that she did not want to do the event. I just felt so bad, uh, well, I just wanted to tell you how bad I felt and uh. So what is the relationship? (not going real well here...little help, God?)
Woman: (not happy) My daughter!
Woman: (eyebrows raised, she is weirded out) Uh, sure.
(probably the most awkward hug of the century. God, did you really want me to do that???)
Lynne: I'm the mother of six (I use this card every once and a while) and I know what this feels like. As a mom I try to remember what it felt like as a child. I think that's important to remember how I felt as a little girl. I tell my children it is important to remember how you feel. (maybe if I repeat myself again, she'll understand...I'm rambling..)
Woman: (she knows where I am going with this) Well I also did this sport and I did it.
Lynne: (this angle is not going to work) Oh, wow, that's great (i'm stumbling). So you did it. Awesome. It is obvious that your little girl did not want to do it. Maybe take some time to think about what is at the root of it. (woah that seemed pushy)
Woman: My mom, who brings her to practice, is done with this. She is not going to bring her anymore if my daughter does not change. And my daughter wanted me to bring her today and then she doesn't do it.
Lynne: I just wanted to say, you are doing a good job. There must be a reason she did not want to do this. I remember some children in the past who did not want to participate because they were perfectionists. Do you think this might be it?
Woman: I do not know.
(it is clear this woman has had enough unsolicited encouragement, or whatever you want to call what I am doing. She wanted me to be done.)
Lynne: (in an attempt to wrap it up) Well, I just wanted you to know, I am on your team!
(Oh, good one Patty Pat responses. On her team?!!! Where the heck did that come from?)
Act II Scene 1
I left to go home and fifteen minutes later I return to the event. I fully expect them to be gone. However, I look and there they are. In fact they are both on the chair laughing while looking at something on their phone. My heart bursts with excitement. Then I watch her participate in her event! From the sidelines I cheer her and decide that if they walk my way I will congratulate them but if they go behind me, I will need to just let it go.Lynne: High five (said to the little girl)! Great job you did! That was just awesome!
Woman: She actually did it!
Little Girl: Look! I got her all messed up. Now she's dirty.
Lynne: I do not think she minds a bit! She's just happy you did it. Good.
Woman: (Beaming)
Lynne: Hey, mom, you did a great job.
The mother smiles at me. There are no thank you, no wrap ups, just a smile as she and her little girl make it back to their spot. I am one big relief.
Throughout the day God speaks to me about this event. Jesus reminds me He is not on the planet, I am His hands and His feet and it is His spirit that is guiding and directing me. Second, it is not about rehearsal, it is simply about obedience. He provides the words when needed at that moment. Third, it is also not about an amazing delivery. The Holy Spirit can take my jumbled words and bring an iron to them. It is about love. God wanted to give this mom a time out so that she can be encouraged. God gave me no advice for her, that would just be rude. He just wanted her to know He loves her and thinks she is doing a good job. God knows, and I don't. All He is asking me to do is to trust and obey.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Day 169: June 19, 2016 Happy Father's Day
June 19, 2016 Happy Father's Day
Day 169
There was an opportunity years ago, in high school, to be a director of a YMCA summer program. What an honor. I knew my Dad would be excited for me and I was so anxious to let him know of this amazing option. I knew he would be anxious for me to say yes to such a great leadership opportunity, he was the ultimate opportunist. However, I was shocked by his response, it certainly was not what I had anticipated. This was coming from the guy who taught me to be an opportunist, what was going on?
His response was like a knife cutting through significant issues, teaching truths at every point and bringing me to a place of reason. Nonetheless, though it made complete and perfect sense, I was deflated. "It is not a good idea, Lynne." I was shocked. What do you mean? This is a great opportunity. They see my potential. They must think I am the perfect one for this. My head was swelling with my own understanding.
My father cautioned me and in essence it went something like this. This was a position that was an honor to be offered, yes. However, it came with a significant amount of work and strategizing much of which I had never done before. The great opportunity came at a cost, the likelihood I would experience more failure than success due to a lack of preparation. He foresaw an erosion of confidence. All I could see was their offer. Too much too soon, without training, was placing me squarely in the line of trouble. This was a defining father's moment for me. He did not allow his pride to be fueled, he allowed wisdom to protect his daughter's leadership potential.
Dad, I think about that experience all the time and the wisdom you offered. I do believe it made all the difference in the world for me. Thank you for the father example you have provided. Thank you for your wonderful father love. May today remind you of me.:)
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Day 168: June 18, 2016 Call Me A Believer Don't Call Me a Christian
June 18, 2016 Call Me a Believer Don't Call Me a Christian
Day 168
I am ditching the title Christian. I think Jesus will be ok with that. The title has become associated with all that He is not. It no longer moves through the air with an uncomfortable slice into one's conscience pulling them toward a higher calling. Rather it disgusts them into a firm decision to not engage with me because of my title. I am fine with my views, opinions, worldview, and allegiance not being appreciated. But I would rather people disagree with the truth of Jesus than with the gross distortions of christianity smeared and slimed all over the media. Jesus weeps over the distortion.
Jesus would listen to ALL you have to say. He knows your thoughts. He knows what is on your tongue before it comes out and He still listens to you. And intently. He asks me to do the same, to listen to you without silencing for fear you might say something I do not particularly agree with.
I want to hear what you have to say, even if you and I do not see eye to eye. Jesus does this everyday and I so want to be more like him.
Jesus is humble. He asks me to be humble. He never asks me to make such bold statements that make you feel small, or your thoughts unimportant. He asks me to listen, to you.
Jesus loves you despite what you have done, did or are doing now. He knows all of what you are about and He really loves you. He sees everything and He still really loves you. He wants me to love you also. He doesn't need or even ask me to list your wrongs, to remind you. He asks me to do major soul searching in my own heart regarding my wrongs and when even then He has it covered. He loves us so much.
I want to walk humbly through your ideas and not knee jerk my way through. You know that comes from insecurity. When a person is not able to hear your opposing views it has nothing to do with them being right or wrong but rather with them being fearful. Jesus lives among ideas and views that are not His own and He simply loves.
Jesus cries for you. He is deeply grieved by your traumatic and painful experiences. He listens to you. LISTENS to you. He does not relegate you to the side because you are not handling it well. He does not cast you out because you are wrong and never because you are wronged. Oh, the pain that too many have suffered from men and women who go by the name, "christian." My arms are what He uses to give you the hug that He knows you need. He listens. He never silences. The enemy is the silencer.
Jesus yearns for you. He really does, even though you do not feel it, He yearns for you!
Jesus adores immigrants. He has set many on the path of leaving their native country. But many forget about this. They forget Abraham's beginnings or Jacob or...oh, the list is too long! I am so sorry many christians want their rights upheld as they view you, the immigrant, or worse yet the refugee, an intruder and stealer of their native, God given rights (oh the misuse of that phrase!). The hypocrisy is almost too much. My open arms reflect Jesus' and Jesus says, Come.
So, I would prefer not being called a christian anymore. The word has lost its meaning. But you can call me a follower, a believer of Jesus Christ. I will follow Him anywhere the destination is always LOVE!
Day 167: June 18, 2016 Call Me a Believer But Don't Call Me a Christian
June 18, 2016 Call Me a Believer Don't Call Me a Christian
Day 167
I am ditching the title Christian. I think Jesus will be ok with that. The title has become associated with all that He is not. It no longer moves through the air with an uncomfortable slice into one's conscience pulling them toward a higher calling. Rather it disgusts them into a firm decision to not engage with me because of my title. I am fine with my views, opinions, worldview, and allegiance not being appreciated. But I would rather people disagree with the truth of Jesus than with the gross distortions of christianity smeared and slimed all over the media. Jesus weeps over the distortion.
Jesus would listen to ALL you have to say. He knows your thoughts. He knows what is on your tongue before it comes out and He still listens to you. And intently. He asks me to do the same, to listen to you without silencing for fear you might say something I do not particularly agree with.
I want to hear what you have to say, even if you and I do not see eye to eye. Jesus does this everyday and I so want to be more like him.
Jesus is humble. He asks me to be humble. He never asks me to make such bold statements that make you feel small, or your thoughts unimportant. He asks me to listen, to you.
Jesus loves you despite what you have done, did or are doing now. He knows all of what you are about and He really loves you. He sees everything and He still really loves you. He wants me to love you also. He doesn't need or even ask me to list your wrongs, to remind you. He asks me to do major soul searching in my own heart regarding my wrongs and when even then He has it covered. He loves us so much.
I want to walk humbly through your ideas and not knee jerk my way through. You know that comes from insecurity. When a person is not able to hear your opposing views it has nothing to do with them being right or wrong but rather with them being fearful. Jesus lives among ideas and views that are not His own and He simply loves.
Jesus cries for you. He is deeply grieved by your traumatic and painful experiences. He listens to you. LISTENS to you. He does not relegate you to the side because you are not handling it well. He does not cast you out because you are wrong and never because you are wronged. Oh, the pain that too many have suffered from men and women who go by the name, "christian." My arms are what He uses to give you the hug that He knows you need. He listens. He never silences. The enemy is the silencer.
Jesus yearns for you. He really does, even though you do not feel it, He yearns for you!
Jesus adores immigrants. He has set many on the path of leaving their native country. But many forget about this. They forget Abraham's beginnings or Jacob or...oh, the list is too long! I am so sorry many christians want their rights upheld as they view you, the immigrant, or worse yet the refugee, an intruder and stealer of their native, God given rights (oh the misuse of that phrase!). The hypocrisy is almost too much. My open arms reflect Jesus' and Jesus says, Come.
So, I would prefer not being called a christian anymore. The word has lost its meaning. But you can call me a follower, a believer of Jesus Christ. I will follow Him anywhere the destination is always LOVE!
Friday, June 17, 2016
Day 166: June 17, 2016 Jesse, Me, and Baseball - Winning Combination
June 17, 2016 Jeese, Me, and Baseball- Winning Combination
My boy Jesse. He loves sports. I so appreciate his sportsmanship.
Tonight at the Texas Field in Birdsboro, Jesse's team won the playoffs.
Jesse was asked to play on the AllStar Team. He really enjoys team sports. There is nothing introvert - ish about this kid.
After the game the camaraderie was palpable.
I love Jesse.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Day 165: June 16, 2016 You Are Responsible
June 16, 2016 You Are Responsible
Day 165
If you find yourself not invited somewhere, determine a place you want to go and invite someone of your choice. Don't forget, you are in control.
If you find yourself lonely, call someone you know is lonelier and make an attempt at cheering them. You have that power.
If you find yourself belittled, determine to build others up and make a note of the belitter's tactics and avoid the tactics like the plague. You have the power.
If you find yourself bored, do something. You are more than capable.
We are in control of our personal happiness. We are the only ones in control. When I let you in control, I find myself in a dysfunctional psychological quagmire.
There is only one person you are ever capable of changing, redirecting and affecting for life - YOU! You know you like to be in control. So do it.
You are the only responsible for your personal happiness. Don't give up that control. Oh and by the way - Demand Respect.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Day 164: June 15, 2016 Stark Contrast
June 15, 2016 Stark Contrast
Day 164
Tonight I sit on a couch typing on my computer writing about anything I want to. But there is someone tonight who is writing a very painful letter they never thought they would ever have to write.
Tonight I go to bed with no fear that my husband will do harm against me or my children. But there is someone who fears the darkness and struggles to get their sleep for fear of "the known" that happens every night.
Tonight I go to bed when I want to. But there is someone who can only go to sleep when all that needs to be done is accomplished for their handicapped child.
Tonight I go to bed with no pain. But there is someone in excruciating pain and will only be able to manage two to three hours of sleep tonight.
Tonight I go to bed in a town that hears gunshots directed toward wildlife only during the day. But there is someone who will fear for their life knowing the shots are closer than they thought and hoping they do not get closer.
Tonight I go to bed praying to the God who hears. But there is someone who is wondering if there is a God with all the pain they have endured.
Tonight if I do not go to bed grateful, with all that I have to be grateful for, there is something seriously wrong with me.
Goodnight. I will sleep tight and dear Jesus will you please direct my prayers to the people in my life who have never slept tight in their entire life.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Day 163: June 14, 2016 Your Will Be Done
June 14, 2016 Your Will Be Done
Day 163
I know better, to focus on what I physically see is often emotionally painful and always unstable. There is no increase in faith but rather a slow leak. However, to spirit soar above and beyond with my spirit eyes scanning the unfathomable horizon seems ridiculously optimistic, not grounded in reality, and too lofty for me to consider. Or so it feels and seems. But my spirit eyes blaze through the physical and lead me to new destinations where reality is based not on what I see but WHO I see. The shift is rarely seen but always experienced and based on solid ground. No shifting sand here.
My physical eyes only see what is placed in front of them. My spirit eyes see beyond and into eternity. My physical eyes watch others enjoying life with places, people, and products. My spirit eyes sees and all else pales in light of the warm welcome the Trinity offers into the heart-room of the Kingdom. Reality is redefined in the presence of love, the spiritual rises to its rightful place with the physical its slave.
I know better than to limit my sightings on physicality. For I soar in the heaven-lies, dance with the mighties and run with the wise men. The kingdom's call is becoming louder and louder and harder to ignore. I am lured, swooned, and pursued by the lover of my soul. Earth's pleasures are looking more and more like a rotting landfill. Your Kingdom Come! Your Will Be Done! On Earth As It Is In Heaven!
(In the wee morning hours, I fell asleep while writing this. While sleeping, I was overwhelmed for the next two hours with the battle fought in the heavenlies and its definite and most wonderful victory wrought on earth. Things that need repair; physically, emotionally, and spiritually were scanned before my mind and the thought was, "You are in the heavenlies, Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done on Earth as It Is In Heaven!" So be it. It was a dip of a two hour nap into the reality of His Kingdom.)
Monday, June 13, 2016
Day 162: June 13, 2016 Vision for Reading
June 13, 2016 Vision for Reading
Day 162
God has placed a vision within my heart and it goes like this. The City of Reading is going to be a city where many folks will be sent out to minister to the nations. The poor city in a valley is going to be streams of living waters. This word/vision is becoming clearer to my spirit and I am not the only one God is speaking to. The folks that will be sent out will not be like you or I, (given so much experiences) but rather individuals who are broken (we are broken too, do not get me wrong) .These people; the poor, the enslaved, and the destitute, will be sent out to do powerful and mighty things. We, who have been given much, will be the harvest equippers.
Much is expected from us because we have been given much. Who is best used in His Kingdom? Those who know and REMEMBER from where they fell, those whose expectations remain low. Many missionaries still go out with a Savior mentality but these individuals from Reading will leave with a mentality of grace and an understanding of His intense love. They will experience the Holy spirit’s power as they move further and deeper into using the gifts of love to bring Jesus to this broken world. They will understand the need for the gifts when nothing else is available. We will watch their faith soar and grow past ours. As we begin to operate under the loving guidance of the Holy Spirit we will see healings, chains breaking, and people released from generational bondages. We are going to watch the Holy Spirit pull the lonely and the destitute out of hard places, and release freedom even more freedom in the land. We are going to see the broken soar into their God given destinies and we are going to be filled with wonder, excitement and intense joy.
In essence, we are going into Reading to prepare ministry workers, to see the destiny each individual has in the City of Reading and to speak life into those destinies. We are to believe with all our heart the very real and present need for these individuals to be healed for their sake, their families sake, their neighbor's sake, for the sake of Reading, for the state of PA, and for the United States. We are rescuing the rescue workers. These are Workers that have very real solutions for the city, for the state and for the world. And we are to move in as if a building has collapsed on people holding precious commodities that should never be destroyed, their destinies.
Jesus sits beside the Father. Jesus knows what it is like to be human. He knows what it is like to need to watch what the Father does and only do that. He therefore understands our need to see with spiritual eyes. He is our advocate and will give us what we need. We need to be spending more personal time with Him in our own walks of life and more concerted time with Him asking Him for specific direction. Honor is the key word as well. We must honor one another. He is calling us to a higher respect for one another and a deeper friendship with all.
He made it clear to me that we are His hands and his feet! Amen.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Day 161: June 12, 2016 Walk by Faith
June 12, 2016 Walk by Faith
Day 161
Every book of the bible has such an incredible message. Currently a bunch of us are
nose deep (better yet knee) into Galatians. We are expecting change, big time, but only in ourselves. For this is why we come to Scripture. Many come to amass more knowledge, more insights, more understanding as if they are collecting for a museum; you can see but DO NOT TOUCH. But when we study God's word we are coming to see, hear, touch, see and feel (yes, I just said feel) and be CHANGED.
The first read through was full of blur. It takes a number of read throughs to see the obvious elements. The more we read the more we see and the more we see the more we understand. It is an all out treasure hunt for meaning, for understanding, and for intimacy with our Saviour.
Galatians takes our face and points it back to faith. We become believers by faith in His grace. We continue as believers by faith in His grace. We enter heaven by faith in His grace. Our works gets us bloody nowhere. It is all faith. But we must recognize those within our midst who try to careen us off the path suggesting that it is also what we do, how we do it, when we do it, where we do it, why we do it, and what we do. This takes discernment on our part especially if the people are making a big deal about us, showering us with love, accepting us completely, providing us with what we need. But there was an ulterior motive at play and the Galatians were too swooned to notice.
These folks were making a big deal about the Galatians so that the Galatians would make a big deal about them! They were being moved toward a "to do" list attitude by people who were, in essence, flattering them. Some good ole christian back scratching was in process. These folks were wooing them further into deception and the result was the Galatians were falling away from grace and towards a worship of people. Deception is always so rampant because it is so deceiving and it caters to our need to be loved. Christ calls us to walk by the Spirit not by what THEY SAY. He desires for us to be intimate with Him. He calls us to uphold the Gospel even when someone is steering us toward the "to do" list while making us feel really good. We must beware.
How do we know we are deceived? Good question. Make sure you know the answer!
Day 161: June 11, 2016 Concerns of the Heart
June 11, 2016 Concerns of the Heart
Day 161
I can show a good show. I can act a good act. I can talk a good talk. But there is only one who knows my inner thoughts and my inner deeds and still whispers words of love. We humans base our judgment on the external. My God never does.
When all is over and my last breath is exhaled all that matters is my relationship with Him. I can provide Him a list of all that I have done but all that concerns Him is, "Do I know her?"
Whether you, my fellow humans, know me or not will not matter at this point in time. My attempts at impressing you or pleasing you, trying to get you to look my way, will not be on the docket. These lens-focused thoughts continually bring me to my Father. They lead me in a shoulder hold to the relationship that matters, the God of the universe. To be in a relationship with Him transcends my brain's comprehension ability.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Day 160: June 11, 2016 Concerns of the Heart
June 11, 2016 Concerns of the Heart
Day 160
I can show a good show. I can act a good act. I can talk a good talk. But there is only one who knows my inner thoughts and my inner deeds and still whispers words of love. We humans base our judgment on the external. My God never does.
When all is over and my last breath is exhaled all that matters is my relationship with Him. I can provide Him a list of all the things I have done but all that concerns Him is, "Do I know her?"
Whether you, my fellow humans, know me or not will not matter at this point in time. My attempts at impressing you or pleasing you, trying to get you to look my way, will not be on the docket. These lens-focused thoughts continually bring me to my Father. They lead me in a shoulder hold to the relationship that matters, the God of the universe. To be in a relationship with Him transcends my brain's comprehension ability.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Day 159: June 10, 2016 Red Couch
June 10, 2016 Red Couch
Day 159
On my small red couch, in the wee hours of the morning, I sit amidst wealth overflowing in every direction. (I am not referring to the puppies)The abundance is overwhelming but never exhausting, quite the opposite. It energizes me as I see the copious mountain ranges of deposits. This wealth cannot be managed but rather used and enjoyed. Frugality is not known with this wealth but rather an opulence that rests in humility. This abundance is to be effortlessly used. More and more and more caverns of the treasure are discovered and a continual offer to my very person is communicated to me every morning and encourages me to share.
There is no end to the wealth, it is as far as the eye can scan and I have been told my scanning ability is limited and not capable of assessing the full amount. I am also told that the wealth simply does not know how to stop growing. Sustainability? Who cares about that word? Share and share and share and share. There is no law against it and the more you share the more you receive.
I am not looking in Wall Street journal scanning the list of stocks to determine my progress. It is not the local bank with the manager briefing me on the amount of interest I now have. In fact there is no physical reference that remains static in regards to this wealth. There is no equivalent on the face of this earth, nothing compares. The word laid open every morning fills my mind with wonder, raises my hope to a place where disappointment would kill. My wildest expectations run wild in the endless fields of treasures. I race after more!
The unique and refreshing rest that accompanies this wealth is like a walk along the ocean's edge passing time until the limo comes to take me to the outdoor restaurant along the rocky cliff (my mind is wandering the New England shores) with the cool ocean breeze. The rest rejuvenates, expands, and excites as I am comforted to my very core. This wealth requires me to sit back and enjoy while I share till my heart's content.
On the small red couch, in the wee hours of the morning, I travel to the wealth. Hey? Do you want to come? I would love to experience this with you!
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Day 158: June 9, 2016 As Yourself - Powerful Words
June 9, 2016 As Yourself - Powerful Words
Day 158
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. (Luke 10:27) The two words "as yourself" are powerful. To some these words are like a screen door hinged on a summer cottage frame swinging freely back and forth between the comfortable open living room and the porch overlooking a serene lake. To others they are like a vault in the bank keeping wealth on one side and empty pockets on the other.
In the last couple of months I am discovering how much hinges, how much dissolves, how much rides, how much derails, on these two words. When I do not love myself I do not know how to love you well. When I love myself I know how to offer you acceptance full of grace and mercy! Not loving myself means draining you. Loving myself means filling you! These two words "as yourself" make all the difference!
Day 158
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. (Luke 10:27) The two words "as yourself" are powerful. To some these words are like a screen door hinged on a summer cottage frame swinging freely back and forth between the comfortable open living room and the porch overlooking a serene lake. To others they are like a vault in the bank keeping wealth on one side and empty pockets on the other.
In the last couple of months I am discovering how much hinges, how much dissolves, how much rides, how much derails, on these two words. When I do not love myself I do not know how to love you well. When I love myself I know how to offer you acceptance full of grace and mercy! Not loving myself means draining you. Loving myself means filling you! These two words "as yourself" make all the difference!
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Day 157: June 8,2016 One Kingdom with One Purpose
June 8, 2016 One Kingdom with One Purpose
Day 157
My dog is not fixed. He has it all. I couldn't take his manhood from him. But as a result his instinct is to mark out his territory and he does it really well. My dog pees on everything when he is outside. A little here, a little there, a little everywhere. For him it is all about marking it with intentionality. Fergie reminds me of the church. We mark out our territories all the time. A little here, and a little there, all the while forgetting our beautiful whole.
I am so keenly aware of this because it is such an easy rut for me to fall into. (I should delete what I just typed, I would rather you not know) Our mind yells, "Hey, I'm doing that, back off! Find your own ministry." "Excuse me! I know a lot about this. What do you know?" "C'mon, do what you SAID you were going to do, stick to your word." "What do you mean you changed your mind??? When did that become acceptable!??"
Unity swirls around the Trinity, they submit to one another, they move in order, in love, honor, restoring, repairing and never once claiming territory for themselves but rather moving in love for the beautiful whole. We, however, claim spots for ourselves. We move in, set up camp, cozy in and stake our claim. Stationary, static, status quo, and stagnant are goals within our claims. We rebel against words such as change, dynamic, a walk of faith, or turbulent. So, I mark out my territory, plop down in my comfort zone, take a bit of a snooze, and then make sure you know my defined boundaries.
The enemy loves territories and divisions but the Unity of the Trinity knows no territories while understanding diversity and uniqueness which always results in different ministries. Unity honors but the enemy questions motives. The Unity of the Trinity is always for the beautiful whole. The divisiveness of the enemy is for the divided kingdom. Instead of standing at the sand drawn lines, we are called to build on each other's ministries with love, honor and respect toward the growth and maturity of the beautiful Body. The enemy's claimed territories are to be lovingly and with humility disregarded. I want to love and honor you with Christ like inclusiveness.
Day 157
My dog is not fixed. He has it all. I couldn't take his manhood from him. But as a result his instinct is to mark out his territory and he does it really well. My dog pees on everything when he is outside. A little here, a little there, a little everywhere. For him it is all about marking it with intentionality. Fergie reminds me of the church. We mark out our territories all the time. A little here, and a little there, all the while forgetting our beautiful whole.
I am so keenly aware of this because it is such an easy rut for me to fall into. (I should delete what I just typed, I would rather you not know) Our mind yells, "Hey, I'm doing that, back off! Find your own ministry." "Excuse me! I know a lot about this. What do you know?" "C'mon, do what you SAID you were going to do, stick to your word." "What do you mean you changed your mind??? When did that become acceptable!??"
Unity swirls around the Trinity, they submit to one another, they move in order, in love, honor, restoring, repairing and never once claiming territory for themselves but rather moving in love for the beautiful whole. We, however, claim spots for ourselves. We move in, set up camp, cozy in and stake our claim. Stationary, static, status quo, and stagnant are goals within our claims. We rebel against words such as change, dynamic, a walk of faith, or turbulent. So, I mark out my territory, plop down in my comfort zone, take a bit of a snooze, and then make sure you know my defined boundaries.
The enemy loves territories and divisions but the Unity of the Trinity knows no territories while understanding diversity and uniqueness which always results in different ministries. Unity honors but the enemy questions motives. The Unity of the Trinity is always for the beautiful whole. The divisiveness of the enemy is for the divided kingdom. Instead of standing at the sand drawn lines, we are called to build on each other's ministries with love, honor and respect toward the growth and maturity of the beautiful Body. The enemy's claimed territories are to be lovingly and with humility disregarded. I want to love and honor you with Christ like inclusiveness.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Day 156: June 6, 2016 Heavy Hitter
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Source: Linda Sakchekap
June 6, 2016 Heavy Hitter
Day 156
The other day I asked a woman to pray for a momma with a baby experiencing night terrors. The woman I asked to pray is a "heavy hitter." By that I mean she prays heaven up, around, inside, outside, or better yet, with authority. This woman can pray! And I don't mean maybe. She is a heavy hitter. Everything she does has meaning. She is either going somewhere to a prayer walk, a prayer meeting, helping someone build a house, receiving an award, all of it being spiritually significant. It is an honor to know her.
This woman knows the cost of a life lived for Jesus Christ. She knows what it means to be a sacrificial follower, her prayers have been offered at a significant cost to her and her family. The Lord agrees with me calling her a heavy hitter. He just further explained how he would define this term.
The Kingdom of God has many "heavy hitters." They are the beggars of the kingdom. The ones who are so needy with no place else to run, to go, or to hide. They go straight for the source and knock, knock, knock on heaven's door. They seek, not to hide but, to discover. Truth be told they are relentless. They beg for options. They know suffering intimately and keep pressing in and in and in. Suffering does not turn them away but rather draws them further into an intimacy with Christ.
The baby, the "heavy hitter" prayed for, slept like her nature. The "heavy hitter" went straight to the throne room and asked God to please give this child rest. She was not kidding and God listened. Her voice was not raised but soft, kind, and gentle. The baby was soothed by her prayers.
The woman who relies on the Lord for answers, is the ultimate beggar. When I grow up I want to beg like my friend. Being a heavy hitter is an extreme walk of humility. I have a ways to grow.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Day 155: June 5, 2016 Hard Week for Freedom
June 5, 2016 Hard Week for Freedom
Day 155
This past week was a killer. It did not help that I loaded some heavy events all in one week, two of which were spiritually charged. The oppression of the week was palpable, sometimes debilitating and extremely discouraging. On Thursday, I wondered if some of the events were even worth it.
Last night, was the end of the events, and the exhaustion set in. But it was the best type of exhaustion, the kind you get from good physical energy. As Lynn and I left our favorite haunt in town, Antonio's, I stayed sleeping in the car for the other errands and trips we had to make and then stumbled like a drunken sailor into our home straight up to bed. To think of writing was the farthest thing from my mind. The torment had ended, the race for the week had finished well. And this girl fell hard into bed.
This past Wednesday was the beginning of a bible study I am leading, How to Study the Bible using Galatians. The taunts, not from humans but taunts nonetheless, were extreme. Who do you think you are, leading this group? Do you really know how to study the bible or do you just know a little bit, Lynne, like you know about everything, just a little bit. You are ridiculous, you have no consistent order in your life. Look at your house, floors, ceilings, everything is in need of fixing. And your finances, c'mon, Lynne, get it together. For goodness sake, how much time do you need to grow up? You are FIFTY-FOUR LYNNE! Don't you think it is about time? Honestly, your peers are grown ups. You only have a bachelor's degree, boy you know how to waste time! You treat life so carelessly.
This is just a bit of the torment. It went on and on like this, relentlessly always dealing in truth but using it like a whip, an insult, a complete slam against my personhood. God never does this! Never! When God rebukes, I love it, "hit me with your best shot, God! Fire away!" He loves so lovingly.
Thursday was the last day of Wider. The school day that gives me complete energy. I love these students, I love their projects and the day was filled with watching project after project. They were so inspirational. But I sat watching with no affect. My head screamed, every turn hurt. I rarely get headaches.
The week ended with a conference that three of us women started planning in February, a conference on Women and Abuse. The three of us for varying reasons have become passionate about this subject. There is a sick pattern among churches that needs to be broken and there is a rising up among many to be part of the change. But to get to this conference was like slugging through cement mud. The counselor who had called me back in February, the impetus for this conference, "Lynne, there is a need for change in this area!" was struggling with sickness. This woman intimately knows abuse and suffers to this day from a back injury caused by her abuser. And the caterer was suffering from severe back pain. The strong word from the evil side was, "Do you really want to do this?" We kept moving ahead in the victory - "YES, YES WE DO, FOR THE SAKE OF THE BODY!"
Friday morning the torment lifted, simply lifted. The women in my life, true prayer warriors, brought me before my Savior and asked Him to give me strength. God is on His throne. Change is in the land. The slumbering Body of Christ is awakening. We must be intentional, educated, led by the Spirit and full of mercy and grace. We must shed light in the dark places. The silence that surrounds sick patterns is being lifted. Deceit is discovered. We walk in freedom and for freedom we will continue to walk!
Many women left that conference changed and all left loved. They felt it, they saw it and they heard it. The silence is over! OVER! To God be the Glory Great things He has done. My friend who is a significant part of ending the silence by the planning of this conference, my friend who knows what it means to come alongside of another woman walking through a very dark and lonely time, loves Isaiah 58. God never allows women to walk alone, we are His hands and feet. He uses us. My friend has demonstrated this beautifully and intimately understands the cost. She has lost friends by being a friend. I will end with a portion from her favorite passage, make sure you look up the rest- Biblegateway.
Isaiah 58:6-9
Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
To loose the chains of injustice
and untie the chords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free
and break every yoke?
Is it not to share your food with the hungry
and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter-
when you see the naked, to clothe him,
and not turn away from your own flesh and blood?
Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness will go before you,
and the glory or the Lord will be your rear guard.
Then you will call, and the LORD will answer;
you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.
Friday, June 3, 2016
Day 154: June 3, 2016 Dear Woman
June 3,2016 Dear Woman
Day 154
Dear Woman,
Hi! How are you? What did you do today? Did you demand respect? How did you show yourself love? Did you quiet yourself, pay attention to who you are?
What are you going to do tomorrow? Are you going to demand respect again? Are you going to honor who you are like you honor others? You do realize you must honor yourself first, right? Cause sometimes you confuse me. You look like you are happy but where are you going when you look past my eyes?
Woman, what keeps you from loving yourself? You do realize that we benefit when you appreciate and take care of who you are? And likewise we suffer when you do not. I am curious, what is it that you really want to do but have not had the guts to tell anyone? We need for you to do it. We really do.
You are valuable and we need your input!
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Day 153: June 2, 2016 He Lingers
June 2, 2016 He Lingers
Day 153
He wants me all to do
He waits, He Stands, He lingers
He sees me right straight through
He loves, loves, loves, loves me
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Day 152: June 1, 2016 Jesus Rushes In
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