Calm, He first rests in my spirit. My love surrounds. My love prepares. His spirit communicates with mine. My love reaches. And then the word Steady drops into my heart. My love fastens. My love holds. Look to the Bronze serpent. Hold onto me. Steady, calm. Calm, steady. Calm. Steady.
The stream of thoughts flows with ease into my heart and into my spirit and I began to walk the isles of disinfectant in my mind. I even leave the store to sit in the chair I am in. I am present with my Father. He has more to show me.
My rush to move on to the day is halted as I go the Spiritual Planner I daily use. He is still speaking and He is now using the verse selection from Mark 4: 35 - 41. Beautifully, lovingly, My Father confirms what He is downloading to me with a follow-up reference in His Holy Word.
The account in Mark is the time He is in a boat. A windstorm arises and waves begin to break in the boat. The crew is frantic. They fear dying in the deep sea. They are perishing and they know it. They have watched Jesus do miracles and they are confused by His indifference. Why isn't He doing something now???!!!! In fact, He has his head on a pillow, sleeping. It makes no sense. The crew does not appreciate His calm. His calm does not fit their ever-present danger. They are in error. They have no need to be afraid. He is in control. Steady. Calm.
Covid-19 is breaking loose. The waves are beginning to break into the boat. Our lives are at risk. But Jesus calls us to a steady, calm repose. He says to our spirits, "Peace, Be still."
There is much work for many of us with this pandemic, especially business owners, but we are never to lose sight of our Father's Rightful ability to speak to the storm, to speak to the virus. Be encouraged to have your eyes steady on the one in control who is at peace. Note: His head is resting.
His slumber should never be confused with indifference or lack of control. And until He changes and is no longer able to be in control we have the privilege of remaining calm and speaking to the storm. "Peace, Be Still."