Friday, March 6, 2015

Day 60 Pushing Faith

March 6, 2015
Day 60

There are some days when you are pushing faith, pumping it into your mind, cramming it into those cynical spots, stuffing it down like the blanket you are trying to get back into the chest. You see the facts, you know "what is what" and you know that to get through the day you have to go beyond the sight, the facts. You have to live by faith. You need to shove the "buts"  out of the mindspace, kick those puppies out for good. It is plain work but you have to do it.

You know the sight, the facts, that need to be dealt with. However, faith is how we deal with them. You know it is not by might but by His Spirit. And you have to continually remind yourself of this today. We live in the physical but we must react in the spiritual. Faith in THE TRUTH is our energy source. Many times we think the energy source is our physical realities; our bodies, our assets, our degrees, or whatever comes to your mind when you think about what you rely on.

Today is a day for listing all the facts; the realities of who Jesus is, what Jesus did, and why Jesus did what He did. This fans the flame of my faith. Days like today are spent in the Word reading reality at its best. Some might call it "lazy" but I call it refueling. This is the fight, the race, the expecting eagerly as I wait!

1 comment:

  1. So hard to go beyond what we see and hear sometimes. So necessary too.
