Monday, August 24, 2015

Day 229 Listening to You

August 25, 2015
Day 229

Listening to this guy takes no work, pure pleasure
I am listening to you. I try hard to hear what you are saying beyond the words you are using. I take in your nonverbal cues. I am endeavoring to truly listen. What you have to say is important to me and important regardless of me. My goal, as I am listening, is to slay the obstacles and make a clean cut to your intent regardless of the words you might sloppily be using.

I am so aware of my listening inadequacies. Sometimes I am packaging thoughts while trying to focus on what you are saying. I just vacationed and I have throwbacks that I am enjoying. That far away look lands in Moose Pond, ME. Those thoughts are packaged and labeled, "For a Dreary Day."

I also am planning for the new Wider school year. Planning for science has me stoked. All things biodiversity, ecosystems, habitat loss, Clean Air Act... these are categories that are right at the forefront of my mind labeled, "Wildlife Semester." For you, I will put them aside. Please go on and share.

Oh boy, here comes a thought I want to interject. But I realize it is a thought that directs the conversation in my direction, it is a trap. Sometimes I try to be clever and deliver this thought in such a way hoping you will not notice. But you and I both know this is a selfish move on my part. So, I will endeavor to stay quiet. Please, continue.

I want to know more about you. You matter. Listening is key and I want to listen well. You really are worth it.

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