Day 274
My commitment to just write everyday supersedes my commitment to deliver it just right. I "show up" to the computer, like Denys Allen encouraged, even if I do not have the time to edit. This has created a sacred space of writing my family honors. I will not let this go.
There have been times I have put myself to bed only to remember, I have yet to write. So, I either call down for someone to bring me my computer (I am the high commander) or I haul myself out and bring it to bed. I write even though my brain is swimming in fog.
Tonight, my brain is swimming in fog begging me to be put to bed. I will comply. But first I needed to "show up." Denys Allen, I can not thank you enough for your encouragement to go for this Seth Godin challenge (at least I think it was him). It has made all the difference.
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