Friday, May 20, 2016

Day 140: May 20, 2016 No Love For Themselves

May 20, 2016   No Love For Themselves
Day 140

To the men in our lives who struggle with p o r n o g r a p h y and to the women who are also struggling with the very same thing, we love you and want to help set you free. We want you to know that we hurt for you. We know it is really not how you want to be spending your alone time, hiding in the darkness catching a peek. There are so many other things you really want to be doing but you are trapped, strapped and pushed to view. Though you cannot see the demonic stronghold on your life, you feel it, you are a slave to it, and you know the pressure you feel that causes you to gasp for air. We know that you would much prefer freedom and if we knew how to help you out of the dank, dark, putrid cave, we would. We love you. We know there is no freedom for you, it pulls, tugs, nags and demands your attention. You are a slave and we want you, our fellow men to be free, free from the addiction that has your heart, soul, and mind twisted.

You would never speak about your pornographic slave addiction around the dinner table. You would never speak about this to your siblings, your grandparents, your aunts, your uncles, your mother, your father, or your neighbors. The truth is that what we do not cherish we do in hidden dark places. Fear haunts you, that cannot feel good. We want to hear your heart. We want you to be able to share freely from a place of repentance and forgiveness. You were created for more than this! This is a fact. We are so sorry you are here. Did you not want to stay with us on the freedom trail? When did you get off? We want you back on this beautiful path!

You will never ask us to celebrate your pornography, never. We want to celebrate you, your gifts, your talents, your ideas, your heart. Your need to view pictures of people you do not know reveals your lack of respect and complete rejection of the sanctity of life, the honoring of people. But what it really reveals is your lack of respect for you! To only want to see someone naked reveals so much of your emptiness and this is where our hearts break for you. We want you full, full of the wonderful, the magnificent, the extraordinary, the wealth of life. We see you in the landfill of darkness and we want you clean. We love you! We want to run the freedom trail with you!

Can you imagine embarking on your pornographic adventures and finding your sister, your aunt, your grandmother and your mother splayed on the pages? Your insides would twist, turn, and hurl. What if you were made to meet every woman or man you see naked? Your payment to view them naked was to get to know them, to take time with them. You were made to greet them, to ask them their back story and to go home with them.

Or what if after viewing "x" amount of degrading pictures you were then demanded to marry one of them. You could pick but you HAD to end up with one of the options. Would you want to bring her home to your family? Would you want to bring her to a dinner party with friends confident that when they asked her what her profession was you would be honored to hear her say, "I am in pornographic photos, I have some with me, do you want to see them?"

We hurt for you. Come out of the closest, the basement, the locked room, the attic, the office, the bedroom. Ask your Father for forgiveness. He will and so will we. Remember, your thrill lasts a second while the yuck sticks to you like sweat from a hot day in the rock quarry with the task master from hell.

We love you. The day Christ suffered to set you free, He took all your pornographic looks at faceless men and women on His Body. All your pornographic sins are paid for. You can live free, in the kingdom of light, adventuring with Jesus!

The very real and present truth is this - you are watched every time you shamefully view an individual naked, someone you will never want to meet in person. God sees you do this every time and He loves you still!

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