Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Day 244: October 18, 2016 Raft-Soar

October 18, 2016
Day 244


The raft on Canadaguia Lake in Upstate New York is where I sit and ask Jesus to come to me. It is my safe place and He always comes. Tonight, was no different though it challenged paradigms. In the heart of Lancaster City at Voice of the Apostles I am among the family of God worshipping. In a whoosh the raft is skimming over water, full throttle and in no time, airborne. We are raft-soaring high. He speaks words to me as I wonder about the safety. "You are safe! Everywhere you are with me, you are safe."

He, the air craft controller, is laughing. We race over lakes, mountains, valleys, canyons and deserts. In His presence I am hopeful, content, full of vision, loved, and appreciated. His presence is safety no matter where. This raft-soar is His demonstration.

To be with Him is thrilling, high adventure, sure risk and the assurance that all is saved, nothing is lost. This safety is from evil spirits, powers of darkness, principalities and evil forces. The raft races over countries, dips into oceans and as time goes on He will help me see the meaning behind all this raft race.

Whenever He comes to my safe place and immediately pulls me into a spirit activity, such as I have just described, I wonder how long can this last? I have come to realize as long as I can handle it. Interestingly enough, my spirit can only handle so much. There usually is a need for time and space between these active moments. These times fill me. The constant presence of His Holy Spirit comforts me. And to know He wants to be with me blesses me beyond belief.

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