Day 2
Christmas Terrariums
January 2, 2017
To create a little green world in a little glass jar with miniature items, just the thought of it, makes me feel so Pinteresting. So, this Christmas my hair brained idea was to provide what everyone needed to create their own little simple worlds. Ken's Gardens, in Intercourse, is one of my favorite haunts and that is where I headed to purchase little flowers, succulents, activated charcoal, rocks and potting soil. The woman at the counter said someone else had been in and was also making terrariums for Christmas. Great, here I thought I was the original.

I did not want to tell my family about my Christmas Day project. Number one reason, I did not want to be laughed at. I'm a little sensitive, they do it a lot. Number two, I really wanted to give it a go without them flat out saying no and then laugh at my idea. They axe them while laughing. One Christmas they assured me they'd keep a cup of hot cocoa warm for me when I thought we should all go out and find a quiet stable and do some meditative practices on Christmas Eve. "Go ahead mom, we're gonna stay home. We'll keep the fire going." They couldn't hold in their snickers with that one. Number three, I wanted the option for them to never know I had this idea, no option for them to belly laugh.

But out of common courtesy I felt I had to mention to Robyn that I was thinking of doing something on Christmas Day that potentially might frustrate her due to its messy factor. We discussed it and as long as a plastic covering could be placed on the table she was fine with it. There was something niggling me, I was becoming more and more insecure with the idea. So I ran the idea past Lynn. "Sure! Sounds like fun" was his response. Phew, the plants sat on my father in laws dining room chairs waiting for relocation.
The day came. We opened our presents slowly, slow enough that I almost forgot the gift of gardening for everyone. As the gift giving was winding down I opened a gift Lynn gave to me (he is the ultimate gift giver). It was a precious little world with a tiny candycane colored thread around the top of the jar. Then he gave me another gift and this was a bigger and more beautiful green world, a larger terrarium! Great minds do think alike.

The woman at Ken's Garden had no idea she was speaking about my daughter as she mentioned another woman purchasing plants to make a Christmas terrarium. And Robyn had a flash of insight when her creation was a heap a mess, "Ah, ,Mom is having us make terrariums." My family did not laugh at me, they loved creating their worlds, in fact they relished it. The day was made to create such things. Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of a new Christmas tradition. Let's see who can keep their little green worlds alive till 2018.
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