Thursday, May 21, 2015

Day 135 Scott Bentley - VideoRay

May 21, 2015
Day 135

Monday, the Wider School visited VideoRay, a Robotic company in Pottstown. This company "is the largest volume producer of Underwater ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles) in the world. Established in 1999, VideoRay has worked with technology and mission partners throughout the world to develop and prove the small ROV tool for a wide range of applications." We had been studying the field of Robotics and to have this successful Robotic company in our backyard, well, it only made sense for us to visit.

As I rallied the students in the parking lot to give them a pep talk, it looked like VideoRay's mechanic was walking down the handicapped ramp. "I'll be right with you. I just have to plug in my car." We became uncertain of our perceptions as we watched him hook up his Tesla car to the outdoor electric plug.

What did we know?! This was Scott Bentley, the owner of VideoRay. He was too rich to care what he looked like, but full of purpose, direction and intentionality. When I had originally called to inquire about a field trip, Diane, the woman whom I spoke with at VideoRay, did not tell me the owner would be organizing the field trip. Had I known I might have freaked a bit.

This field trip will go down in my history as being fully charged. Not only did Mr. Bentley allow every single student an opportunity to test drive the aquatic robot, he arranged for every head of department to come speak about their position and lend advice. He sat on the sidelines and guided his employees making sure these students would walk away with solid guiding principles.

Latter on in the evening I could not stop shaking my head, repeating over and over again to my husband, "Those students had no idea what they just experienced."

Oh, but I did. Nothing was lost on me, absolutely nothing. I left wondering what makes Scott Bentley so interested in pulling together a field trip for a bunch of homeschoolers. The students walked away from VidoeRay not only with keen insights but with a directive to do what you are good at no matter what. They saw for themselves proof in the pudding!

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