Day 298
Sarah Bessey is nailing it in her book, "Jesus Feminist." She is uttering truth, wrapping loose ends into tightly woven words of wisdom regarding women. Though many of us "know" we are capable, able and willing we continue to watch churches turn the other way and look for someone else. But since we are Jesus followers and not "right grabbers" we continue to move, to serve and to love.
Many, many moons ago I sat on a bench listening to the final sermon on women in the church. The final paragraph of the sermon became a picture popping into full color and view. I saw the men of the church carefully placing women into a big, all purpose, one size fits all, trunk. Arms and legs and heads and feet and hands and toes were sticking out. But the men were carefully stuffing in the appendages so that the lid would close. This picture has never left me.
That day, I walked out, trying to make sense, with my finger held over my mouth. When I came to the street I released my finger, for now my words were welcomed and maybe even more understood. At least in that particular church. It was the day my heart saw. Emily Ralph Servant might recall my views on women in the church, she graciously heard them without slapping me. Why would she? She is a gifted woman affirming her call to ministry, to pastor churches. She was Jesus to me as she allowed me to stumble with whitewashed, well defined, restrictive words. My father, a believer of women in ministry, has listened to my archaic views. Again, without condemnation. But the Holy Spirit has finally spoken into my tidy categories and has made a mess of them. I will never be the same.
Women are gathering, clustering, affirming and moving. There is no talk about what men should or shouldn't do. It is talk about Jesus Christ and His call and our obedience. There is no bashing of men but rather an affirmation of our men. So many of the men in our lives affirm the gifting of women, even when it means preaching. The women know the men desire for God's kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.

Here is a quote from "Jesus Feminist." "Korean megachurch pastor Dr. David Yong-gi Cho is quoted as saying, 'All the churches are so little! And all of them are holding back their women, not allowing them to do what God calls them to do. I've told them to release their women, but they insist that's not the problem They ask me, 'What's the key to your church?' I tell them again, 'Release your women,' but they don't hear me!"
There is much to be done, the harvest is ready. We will not fight, we will continue to be, to do, to love. And thank you, Sarah Bessey, Rachel Held Evans, Jenni Allen, Christine Caine, Jen Hatmaker, Ann Voskamp, and many more. Thank you for your love for Jesus, your life giving words, your persistence in not growing weary. Thank you!
How will it look differently for me? It might not look different on the outside. But inside I am all cheers and chants in affirmation of women responding to the call, standing in front of men and women leading congregations. This is the biggest point of change for me. How do I want it to look differently? What I have most been challenged by is my need to respond to His call. My need to serve and to serve and to serve and to be willing to serve more! This is what I love most about the new voices in our Body! They encourage service, humility while encouraging assertiveness in the spirit realm. Rock on my sisters and brothers!
Preach it sister
ReplyDelete:) you motivate me!