Day 303

The Fellowship laughs and throws back their head in a deep belly raucous roar. Their joy intensely fills the room with a wonderful sound that wraps around and pulls me close to the stone hearth where the fire crackles and a warm orange glow shoots out sparks. The warmth and the light from the fire comfort and heal my deep pain. I am filled with abiding joy, my smiles escape. My sides giggle. I love their laughter, it is delicious and it always invites me into a kitchen where nibbling is allowed, even encouraged. They want me to ask for whatever I desire to eat and to drink. They want me to ask for whatever I want. They know that the more I am with them the more I want what they want.
The Fellowship never contains their mirth. They see, feel and live humor. They are the Father Son and Holy Spirit, the Three in One, tightly knit and woven into unity, and frankly, no one tells them what to do. They will laugh at what they want, when they want, and where they want. I hear them, often, laughing. Their love is magnificent, kind and generous.
The smile of the Father throws fear to the dark corners. He adores and loves me freely, sweetly, entirely, consistently, faithfully and willingly. The Fellowship loves when I want to swirl freely in the inner circle of constant love. My sins have been forgiven. Shame never rears its ugly head in this sanctuary. Nothing divisive is allowed. Ever.
Where do I go to be in such fellowship? There must be a special place? I'm grinning. I carry it around, twenty-four seven, always. The flame burns, the love is constant. For the Trinity made the sanctuary moveable wherever I go. God lives in me.
Like the tabernacle in the wilderness I move when the spirit says move. The fire goes before me and the cloud trails after me. I too look might look nondescript as did the dusty cloth covering the sanctuary. But inside is life, holy, sanctified, righteous and free. My insides are golden with the warmth of the Trinity's fire.
You must
want this too! He says, Come!
Listening to Baxter Kruger on "The Shack" and I am awed by how much I am seeing within the Trinity in John that Paul Young was tapping into as well. They were laughing in the kitchen. I still have not read "The Shack." This is an indictor that the Holy Spirit is trying to tell all of us more about the Trinity.