Friday, March 4, 2016

Day 64: March 4, 2016 You As You Over Anyone Else

March 4, 2016
Day 64  You As You Over Anyone Else

I would take you as you over anyone else. Self worth is realized in the God who celebrates diversity. So much of our day is consumed with self comparisons and self deprecation. There is a love that is so satisfactory that it completely frees us from the need to be like someone else. This is proved through Jesus' actions. He did not make a list of people who fit the part for His salvation and then go to the cross for only them. It would have meant nothing for Him to do so. Instead He proclaimed that "If any man is thirsty he should come to Me!" Jesus wants you as you and me as me. Jesus celebrated diversity by His death and resurrection. We need not compare or self deprecate. This love for collective individuality that Jesus had I also desire in my friendships. So I say to you, I would take you as you over anyone else.

Written by Christopher Burkholder


  1. I wish this could be realized by my teenage self!

    1. Whitney - this is the fight worth fighting for - true understanding!
