Friday, March 11, 2016

Day 71: March 10, 2016 Spiritual Warfare in One Word

March 10, 2016
Day 71 Spiritual Warfare in One Word

Spiritual warfare is wrapped up into one word- BELIEVE. You thought it was yelling at the enemy to be cast into hell, it might be, but it is more powerful than that. It is believing. Spiritual warfare is believing that the Trinity is who they are. God is God. The Son is God. And the Spirit is God’s spirit. 

Believe. This is the work. If you are going to do anything, this is it - believe. Believe in God and believe also in Jesus. Believe that Jesus is in God and that God is in Jesus. 

Believe is the work you have been called to do, to accomplish, because of what has been done. Do not let your heart be troubled, believe. Do not let these words swim in your mind like common, constant friends taking them for granted. Think deeply about these words, meditate on them. I do not care what spiritual practice you yank from antiquity - just start yanking and get to work. You could make up a spiritual practice for yourself, just do it. And do it quick - it imperative. Believe! Why? Because He is real and He cares for YOU!

Believing is the hard word. This is the digging of the soil that brings sweat, blood, and tears. This is pushing past all circumstances that trouble your heart - spiritual forces of darkness that deceive you into believing that something is wrong but it has nothing to do with spiritual forces. You must believe pushing past the consequences you have stockpiled by infamously bad decisions. You must believe past troubling circumstances that add up to no money, no reputation, no future.

Believe in the God who accomplishes the I M P O S S I B L E! Just do it.

When we are troubled we begin to f i g u r e  it out. What a complete waste of daylight! Rest looks like sitting and doing the hard work - believing. That soft comfy chair is a perfect place to plop and get to work. That hard floor where your knees are bent is also a perfect place. You choose. But what you do in the place is the same for everyone- believe.

Believe that the work has been done. Believe that where He is, you will be also. Believe that He is good - ALL THE TIME. Believe that He created you for a purpose ONLY He designed. Believe that He works out our stinking Land Mine for good. Believe that the reason there are still seasons is because He designed it that way. Believe that He is the creator God whether through evolution, intelligent design, the big bang, or a seven day creation. Believe.

He can do what He wants to do. He did what He wanted to do. Now, you must believe He can do, He did do, and He will do. This is the work of God. This is the work you were called to - belief in the Triune God.

Spiritual warfare distilled, wrapped up into one simple, arduous task, is - BELIEVE. Trust me - this is not for the fainthearted. This is not for the intellectual. This is not for the one in high position. This is for the one He called out of class, hovered over and tapped on the shoulder. This is for the one who heard Him say, "Come follow me." Now this is true work, real work, the work that matters, spiritual warfare on steroids - BELIEVE. Don't let your heart be troubled.

Get to work before daylights gone and we wanna go home! BELIEVE in God and BELIEVE in Jesus.  
(John 14 - and while you are there dig deep into 15, 16, and 17!)

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