Thursday, September 1, 2016

Day 227: September 1, 2016 Too Close to Home

September 1, 2016
Day 227

Too Close to Home

Christopher Burkholder's Original: Porn Star
Please keep writing son!

At the risk of giving information to the wrong person, there are more of you who need to commit to prayer what I am about to post.

October 15 at the Holiday Inn there will be an event called a Friction party, specifically called - Satan's Lair. The description goes something like this, ."..Satan's Lair October 15th  Morgantown, PA Hotel Takeover, So Hot the Devil will Sweat! No Families, No Vanillas to ruin the sexy vibe!  Complete Hotel Takeover. This is our biggest, sexiest event of the year! Always a sell out! Rooms at host hotel will book weeks before event so do not wait and get stuck at overflow hotel! We use 2 hotels because the event is that big!...."

I kinda feel sheltered and out of touch. I believe I will keep it that way. This is grievous knowing this event will do nothing to establish solid individuals let alone families. Instead, in the heart of an extremely fertile area there will be bad seed planted with a crop of withered plants. There will be doors opened that will take years to close. The weekend will cause heartache. The ramifications will ripple for decades.

But God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will have eternal life. (John 3:16) The freedom offered is to all.  Let's pray for life on October 15th.  May God be glorified.

May you use this information wisely. 


  1. What if Hopewell's prayer group went and prayed around those hotels, to declare heaven's way and will PRIOR to the event? Does Becky know about this, and could she be brought into pre-event prayers of establishing Kingdom rule? Just a thought... :)

    1. Rusty more than Hopewell needs to do this. Becky is on sabbatical. :) But we are not! I have been praying for Jesus to give us direction. You can help us!

    2. The Hopewell prayer team has been informed. Two years ago we learned of this group meeting annually at the Holiday Inn. We have been praying against it. This is the first I have heard of them meeting more than the annual one in March we knew about. I have relayed that info to them as well. A group of local Pastors even composed a letter to the Holiday Inn sharing their concern with such events happening in our community. They never responded.
      As per a FB thread this past spring about these events being here the majority who responded see this as nothing more than an event for "consenting adults seeking to have a good time." Even a manager at the Holiday Inn replied to the thread and mentioned how "theses people" have been coming to our community for years and we are none the wiser because they are good people who are not disruptive. She mentioned that sports teams who come to the Hotel cause more "damage." :-( This whole thing just hurts my heart.
      Oh and Lynne, Becky is back from sabbatical! :-) We missed her so and are happy to have her back! <3

  2. For over 2 years Hopewell and other local Pastors have known about these events being at the Holiday Inn. We pray about it and the group of local Pastors even composed a letter and sent it to them with no reply. Sadly, these events have been happening at the hotel for years. Most people in the area are unaware and the rest seem fine with it. Rusty I have informed Hopewell's prayer team yet again. We are praying. Oh and Lynne, Becky is back from sabbatical!!!! :-) <3

  3. Ugh!! Sorry for double posting Lynne. The first one I did from my phone and it did not show up when I returned to this post. Feel free to delete one or both should you choose!!
