Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Day 238: September 20, 2016 Conferences and New People

September 20, 2016
Day 238

Conferences and New People 

Meeting people is one of my most favorite things to do and though I begin with a brick wall at conferences (I actually go to so few) it shatters after meeting just one. This past weekend at Collyde was no exception.

Romanita Hairston preached like she meant it, smiled like she felt it, and related like she wanted to. Immediately I connected. My heart resonated with her passion, her theology, and her commitment to Jesus. She ended abruptly leaving me wanting more. I couldn't move. I had to speak to her. I left with her email address and a promise that we could use a pilot program that she felt matched the GPS (Guys/Gals Protecting Siblings/Sisters) vision for the oppressed of the church. Take a look at her bio. She is one amazing woman with five children to boot! With people like Romanita in the world hope rises. Dale and I knew this was an amazing contact and we hope to be in touch with her soon! Check out her blog-Powerofone.

Jonathan Golden was the last speaker of the Justice Track. What a guy, full of mirth, depth, entrepreneur blood, and humor. He blasted the view of "the call" and spoke like my daughters, Robyn and Kathryn - do what you want and trust you are using your gifts. My daughters osmosed this from their dad. I am way too religious, I make myself sick.

Jonathan was common sense about his views, refreshing and motivating all at the same time. I was intrigued by his coffee company Land of a Thousand Hills. This man does not stop. I purchased his book, Be You. Do Good  and then asked his wife to sign. She wasn't sure. I WAS! Her and I then began to speak of many things. I walked away with her email address as I did with Romanita's.

Have I mentioned how much I love conferences? They are the best. The words I eat are many not few. Conferences are full of interesting individuals waiting to make significant connections with one another. Collyde lived up to its name. I am the better woman for attending this. Someday I will learn.

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