Day 164
I say no to many things and I say yes to far more. Yesterday I was raiding my friends' flowerbeds. They allowed me to raid because tomorrow I bring more than 25 bouquets for table decorations and the bouquets for the bride and her maids. And NO!!! I have never done a wedding before. Yes, I arrange flowers for my invited guests to dinner but not someone else's invited guests for their WEDDING! Where does my self-confidence come from? Who do I think I am???? For all I know I might be the bad chapter in their wedding story.
In the afternoon, Kathryn and I set out in pursuit of the first batch. We landed in Linda and Paul's never ending trail of flowers. I actually remember when there were none on their wooded property. Not now. They are everywhere. It felt like I was picking strawberries. Just when you think you are done, you then see the perfect strawberry and you pick it and are revived to pick on. The flowers became more and more beautiful. I could not stop cutting. Deep pinks, brilliant greens, vibrant yellows are the colors that called loud.

Pam had bunches of hydrangea that were like scoops of delicious vanilla ice cream at times looking like purple sherbet. I took handfuls of these woody beauties. Terri had dill that adds such an amazing firework flare. Honestly, how can you go wrong arranging such beauty.
My prayer all along was, "Please, God, keep my confidence in check." To be second guessing when one is flower arranging is time consuming. But today I began to think, why did I not add to my prayer, "And please add skill to the confidence." To be confident is only good when you are skilled. To be confident and stupid, well, today it would be disastrous. I need skill.
My daughter Robyn came and joined me. We arranged sixteen bouquets together. This is relaxation. To choose and cut, to place and arrange, to pull out, to put in, to stand back and to get up close, it is all a form of mediation. You get into a rhythm. It truly is a happy place.
Then came Laura. When she walked in I greeted her and thought that she was with her younger daughter, Emily. But it was her sister, Jeannie, who owned a florist shop for seven years. "Lynne, do you want her to help?!" Wait? You have to be kidding! A florist just walked into the studio and she could help me eloquently wrap the bridal bouquets, the very thing I have been trying to learn via Pinterest and YouTube.
"YES!!! Jeannie, would you please help me?!" She agreed and off went Laura while her sister and I did flowers together. We were complete strangers getting to know one another over a project due the next day! She wrapped the bouquets exquisitely, made corsages, and created four amazing flower arrangements of which I studied after she left. Having owned a flower and now a hospital gift shop we spoke in kindred ways regarding self employment. It was perfect. We created loveliness while getting to know one another. It was exactly what I needed. And all this for a wedding of a lovely young woman marrying a lovely young man.
Emily and Ryan are worth the wonderfulness of my friends. I know that each friend would love this couple. Though I do not know Ryan and will meet him for the first time tomorrow, I know and love Emily. She is a minister of the faith, pastoring a church in Lancaster, and might already have her doctorate. She is a true woman of stature and godliness. She would not marry just anyone! She has too much going for her. So, I know Ryan is the husband of her and God's choice.
Yesterday and today was a dive into beauty for a definite purpose. I am wealthy with riches no one can steal. God, may this marriage be full of your goodness, beauty beyond belief, and friends that give freely. May Emily and Ryan's day be full of wonder! And may they be as rich as Lynn and I!
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