Day 174
To My Dear Son Geoffrey,

Happy Birthday....I so love you Geoff! Intensely! I would give you the moon if I could! I would buy you a brand spanking new car! I would give you an entire new wardrobe! I would pay for you to travel to Europe! I wish I could give you a world class education! I would give you the computer of your dreams! I would redecorate your room!
Geoff, you have provided me with so much joy. I can hardly believe that it has been eighteen years of it. You have been that child that has loved talking late into the night. You have spoken of deep things, hurtful things, honest things, troubling things, intriguing things, many things! You are such an amazing person and I am so grateful that I had the privilege of housing you, loving you and being with you.
You have five other siblings that you have had to share so much with. You have had to share food, space in the car, bedrooms, couches, emotional space, and air time. This has not been easy and you have navigated well through all of this! You are so very patient and so very kind.
Geoffrey, please know that I wish the very best for you. Though I can not give you much money, I have and will continue to always give you rich amounts of time in prayer. I earnestly pray that you will continue to seek Jesus full heartedly.
Geoff's quote-" Mom, there are things you have given me in life that give me true happiness. It is a sad day when money buys those things."
Geoffrey, you have the ability to slice through and say it like it is. You are an amazing person! I love you!
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