June 22, 2015
Day 167

If there was a scorecard sliced down the middle with the left side titled pro's and the right side titled con's, how would your's look today? Which side would be full? When my pro side is overflowing, oh, that is a great feeling. My children are not on my radar silently begging for prayer. We know where provision is coming from. Nothing is in need of repair. A full listing on the pro side is an empowering "feeling." But when the con side is full of things that are out of whack such as repairs and relationships needing repair, then I "feel" desperate, off centered and in the dark.
A full pro list seems to let the light shine. During this time it feels like the dark times have been replaced.
This verse tells me of a light beyond circumstances. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Ps.119 My light has nothing to do with circumstances.
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