Day 189
This is a call to action. There is a place on Canandaigua Lake in the heart of the Finger Lakes region of New York called LeTourneau Christian Center. The Board of Directors has initiated a bold plan to purchase back the property to restore a vibrant camping ministry to children and families. This is a plea for your help.
Have you heard about this place or perhaps even been there? It might not look like any of the Ritz Hotels around the world but it has been part of a kingdom that has produced more lasting wealth than any one is able to collect in this world. Many are going into their closets to pray, driven by love, to tap into an energy source more powerful than all of the waterfalls around this planet combined. Today, they are holding on in faith believing God will supply their needs. Were you a former camper? They would enjoy hearing from you. Even if you were not, they still would benefit from you support.
This Center has played a spiritually significant role in my life. My camping experience had much to do with who I am as a wife, as a mother, and as a member of the Body of Christ. The Spirit guided sermons I heard on this little spit of a property back in the late '60's and 70's gave me an intense love for the Bible. Have you been impacted by this place? Contact them.
We were privileged to spend this past weekend at the camp and met the new director, Jamie Fischer. He loves children and families and wants the camp to again provide programs to spiritually aid both these groups. He cries easily when sharing what God is doing in his heart for this place. As I listened, I knew Jaime was tapping into something deep for me. Please, I want to be part of this action. I know how significant a week of camp can be in one's life. I might not have cold cash but I know who owns the cattle.
Shortly after meeting Jamie we met Jim Coler. He represents a younger generation on the board. The connections between us were ones you just can not fabricate. His vision clearly lined up with the new director's. The desire to be part of the new phase at LeTourneau just continued to grow. I might not have cold cash but I know who owns the cattle. What I can do is spread the word. You might feel the same way. Let them know you're praying or that you want to give.
LeToureau Christian Center is now at a crossroads. By the end of September they need to raise over $70,000 to complete the amount needed to purchase back the deed to the property. The world would see this as a problem but believers see this as an opportunity to increase their faith. God loves cliff hangers and this story is no exception. The group of people comprising LeTourneau Christian Center are part of a kingdom that says survival has nothing to do with the fittest but rather everything to do with the weakest relying on God.
My tap root at LeTourneau goes far and that makes me want to help. You might have been a camper also, and your life might have been impacted as well. Would you be willing to do the hard stuff and go into your closet and pray? Would you also be willing to send money that could go to the payment of the deed? God is too good to us. I knew you would want to know. Please send your contact information to LeTourneau so that they can build a database of former campers like you and me.
Maybe you have a specific story you would like to share. This would be fabulous if you let the staff at LeTourneau know. Write and tell them. We need to tell of God's good deeds.
To give financially, to update your contact information, to share with them a story go to:
In the meantime, pray for the deed to be purchased in a timely manner and ask God to go beyond beyond, which is what He does best!
You probably made a call from this telephone booth. Today make a call from your prayer closet.
Please post this to your facebook page and let's put the word out. LeTourneau Christian Center needs a little help now. And remember, even if you have never heard of this, pray about being part of the next generation of campers at LeTourneau. You will fall in love with the staff and the setting.
Help. Just wrote comment for you to contact me for LeTourneau E-News in progress to publish Sunday eve or Mon AM. It disappeared. Please private message me on FB with your e-mail or phone number. I'm assisting Rachel Dewey who is writer and editor for LeTourneau E-News and is our daughter. Shirley Dewey (wife of former director, Ralph)