Saturday, September 19, 2015

Day 255 Sunday Rest

Sept. 19, 2015
Day 255

I am so looking forward to the day of rest tomorrow. Sundays are wonderful, we just love them and we work really hard to rest. Every week this is our day to contemplate the week before and pray for the week to come. Before any of us leave our bedrooms we offer up a prayer of thanksgiving. This truly allows us to get out on the right side of the bed. On this day, I always use the antique bell I purchased at Anthropolgie to gather everyone around the Sunday breakfast table. We will begin the celebration surrounded by homemade muffins, butter in a crock, quiches from the Martha Stewart Living magazine (The obscure farm in Vermont she suggested to order the organic, hormone free eggs was well worth the $10 per dozen) and freshly squeezed orange juice. Pinterest really comes alongside me in my Sunday preparations. The mouth watering recipes and fabulous pictures they provide are so helpful.

When we are finished with the morning meal, one of our children will read the scripture portioned for the day, while another will recite what they have been memorizing. My heart skips a beat listening to them.

We will head off to church while listening to a combination of John Michael Talbot and Gregorian Chants. Our spirits always soar, they always do while listening to such spiritual fare. After church we try to silently drive home so as absorb the sermon we just listened to. The Sunday dinner (you know I really mean lunch) will have been cooking in the oven while we have been attending church. Oh the glorious smells! After the meal, Lynn will push back his chair and share the Sunday devotional that he has prepared.


So, I wanted it to look like this, I really did. But it has never looked anything like this. Guess what? God still loves the stinking snot out of me and my family. This is what I love, God allows us each to live out our days the way in which we please.