Day 265
I call it the Isolation Booth. The place that I feel alone. The point at which I am convinced no one else will understand. It is probably better that I keep things to myself it might be taken the wrong way. The Isolation Booth is the place where I am not just alone but my options are limited, in fact there is probably only one. The physical circumstances in my life lead and guide me to the booth and my eyes weary. I drop in and curl up in a ball.
This Booth is invisible and yet I am here because of tangible, physical, and circumstantial landslides. I am sometimes in it while I am with you. This is unfortunate. I know if you would see that I am in it you would give me your hand and coax me out. But I do not speak of this Booth when my soul slinks inside.
Mornings, afternoons and evenings, when I do not actively go to the One who cares, I move closer to this Booth. When I do not confess the wrongs that I have committed but hold on to them, caress them, try to rationalize them, process them, I move closer into the Isolation Booth. When I listen to lies that muddle my thoughts, I race to the Booth. When my prayers are not honest, I sit down in the Booth. When I look at my circumstances with my flesh eyes, I see only this booth. When I do not trust, I slam the door.
A corner, a hole, a booth with no one and no options. There is no one, or so it seems.
He, the Isolation Booth destroyer, silently walked to the one option, the only option - the cross. He was completely alone. No one went with Him. He was isolated even from His own Father who turned His back on Him. He looked like He sinned every heinous sin in the book. So why would anyone want to help him off the crucifixion block?
He was in the Isolation Booth of all Isolation Booths.
He exploded the booth to bits. Sun poured in, over, all around
and light revealed everything. We are
not alone. He has placed His loving hand on my shoulder,
on yours, and asks me and you to be His. This explodes us into a life of
spiritual options that sail beyond the physical. He calls
us to trust.
on yours, and asks me and you to be His. This explodes us into a life of
spiritual options that sail beyond the physical. He calls
us to trust.
I spiritualy see His canvas of endless options as I trust. My spirit is clean and free. I am not alone, never. He is with me, always. He asks me to look to Him as my hand is in His. And He leads me to you. He loves fellowship. He hates isolation. The more you and I connect with one another, we see beyond the physical. We experience freedom. We learn to trust.
My spirit is now free to roam, frolic, dance with joy and recognize the lure and lie of the Isolation Booth. My spirit is not contained by physical restrictions. It is able to see beyond the circumstantial quagmire and dump. His canvas of endless options and opportunities make no physical sense and He asks me to trust. He asks me to be in fellowship with you.
The Isolation Booth is no place to trust.
There are no windows.
Shall we frolic in trust? It would be ungrateful not to.
Dina Porter adds to the third paragraph - A way out!:
"This where and how I need to direct myself. Mornings, afternoons and evenings, when I actively to to the One who cares, I move away from this Booth. When I confess the wrongs that I have committed and let them go, release them, see the false power I have given them, ignore them, I move further away from the Isolation Booth. When I listen to truth from Your Word, nothing can muddle my thoughts. I race away from this Booth. When my prayers are honest, heartfelt and true, I sit down outside the Booth. When I look at Your power to carry me through difficult circumstances with the eyes of my heart, I lose sight of this booth and see only You. When I trust You completely, I bolt the door shut - from outside. Never to return to this isolation booth."
Powerful, Dina, and a necessary part to this issue - there is a way out!
Dina Porter adds to the third paragraph - A way out!:

Powerful, Dina, and a necessary part to this issue - there is a way out!