Monday, September 28, 2015

Day 264 Overwhelmed

September 28, 2015
Day 264

The word overwhelmed on the internet means: bury or drown beneath a huge mass, defeat completely or give too much of a thing to someone to inundate.

So, If I say I am overwhelmed I am drowning beneath a huge mass. I am completely defeated and I have been inundated. This is serious.  And this, my folks, is the G - O - S - P - E - L!  I AM has overwhelmed me. I am buried beneath a huge mass of intense and disproportionate grace and mercy! I am completely defeated and I surrender to the One who is victorious. I am completely inundated by oceans of love.

I choose life. I choose not to be overwhelmed by my circumstances. They disillusion, depress, deceive, and defeat me. I choose to be overwhelmed by my God who invigorates my soul and has overwhelmed me with His peace and salvation.  I am eternally grateful. For He paid a high price for all of this.

Would you care to swim with me in this ocean of goodness?

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