September 30, 2015
Day 266
Katy Schwartz Photography |
There is an envelope. It is my life. My name is the only one on this package. It is as real as I am, yet, until I unpack it, the contents are unseen and unknown. It is full of who I am meant to be. It has my talents, my abilities, my uniqueness, my purpose. Only my thumbprint opens it. Frantically racing to the envelope with my name would be like all of us running out of a store thinking we all have the same key and the first one to my car, drives. However, to run to the envelope with intentionality, purpose and determination to explore, to discover, and to use my gifts is a race worth running.
This envelope is not exchangeable. I can not open your envelope and you can not open mine. I am impacted by your envelope, you are impacted by mine. When one refuses to use their envelope's contents - we all lose.
For in all of history there is no one who will have what I have. Mass production is not the Creator's gig. Specialization is. If I do not use my package the world misses a piece of the puzzle. No one else will add what I have.
To look with envy at your envelope is dull witted. I am to look with alacrity and gratitude at mine. The creator longs for me to use my contents, to positively impact the world in which I live. The far reaching effect is like a pebble dropped in a body of water.
Why am I not using what is in my envelope; my talents and my abilities? The creator waits in expectancy knowing how well suited the gift is to the child. But He forces not.
Why do I sit by my envelope making no moves? What makes me slow to reach in and pull out my talents to use? Embarrassment? Shame? I must remember, that one person in history, who did that one thing and that other person who thought that pivotal thought, these came from their envelopes. They utilized what they were given and the world changed, forever.
I waste your time when I try to open your envelope. My role is only to encourage you. I waste my time when I want to use what is in your envelope. Your contents are ill suited for my uniqueness, they make me look out of place.
Uniqueness is the creator's gift. I rob you of my uniqueness when I do not reach inside my envelope. I rob myself. Because of our uniqueness we are not in competition. If we had the same material in our envelopes we would have reason to compete. The race then is to unpack our envelopes and use what is in them for ourselves, for each other, for Him.
I will endeavor to use what is in my envelope, be who I am. Will you endeavor to be who you are? There is only one of me and there is only one of you. The moment we leave the planet, the envelope, filled with beneficial contents, for everyone, remains forever locked.
Why do I continually look a gift horse in the mouth? It is rude. The creator longs for but will not force us to use what He placed in the envelope. To see the excitement in His eyes is exhilarating. As He watches moments tick by while we indifferently sit refusing to reach in and use what He has gifted us, is the epitome of sadness.
I want to live. I will continue to reach into my envelope. Will you continue to reach into yours?
To not use is to lose.
So glad you wrote it out..have been pondering your envelope message all this past week...
ReplyDeleteSo glad you wrote it out..have been pondering your envelope message all this past week...