Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 106 Whose Watching You?

April 21, 2015
Day 106

Do you know who is watching you? I know who is watching me. My dear husband and all seven of my children, that is who is watching me. (yes, RJ is my son, I share him with his parents) My little Theo bear will soon be taking notes. My reactions matter to them, a lot. This is where I live out my convictions, my faith. This is the rubber hitting the road. These are their devotionals. Sometimes these devotionals are not so good. If you know what I mean?!

They watch my reactions to things that might be hurtful to me. They pay attention and from my response they either learn how to or not to respond. And then they watch my reaction to things that tick me off. Am I going to blow a fuse or am I gonna let the Spirit move? It is these moments that matter most. These moments reveal the fruits of the Spirit or the branches in need of pruning. Ouch!

My family is watching. They can tell you whether I put my faith in action or whether I am all talk.  Is my faith what I am experiencing or something I am just talking about? This is my accountability.

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