Day 94
While growing up in the 60's and 70's, Bob Barker showed up in our living room everyday with "The Price is Right." I always wanted to be a contestant running down those stairs from the audience and up onto that stage to choose a door. My stomach would tighten as the contestant would stand there on stage fumbling, twisting and turning, trying to decide which door to open. "Will it be Door Number One, Door Number Two, or Door Number Three?" Bob Barker would luringly boom week after week after week. And it was always three doors, no more and no less. Just three doors. I would telepathically try to help them decide hoping it was more than a selection of products. The cars thrilled me!
There was one problem with that show, I took Bob Barker's three door template to spiritual places it did not belong. This was revealed to both Lynn and I when we purchased our first house at an auction with no money in our savings account. I repeat no money. in. our. savings. account. But we did have sixty days to find the money.
The day of the auction was exhilarating for us similar to the first day of our marriage, we knew nothing. We had no idea what the next sixty days was going to be like. No idea. We would get close to an answer and then the answer would vanish. Bottom line, Lynn and Lynne were making no significant progress. Though our little folder containing our finances looked impressive, the numbers were not. Not at all. We were turned down by four banks.
One day comes to mind when, in the spirit realm, Bob Barker's Three Door template was blown to shreds. On this day in particular we had an answer, it was exciting and worthy enough to put our faith in, or so we thought. Mid-day the answer vanished just as the others had. Puff.....gone. We were back to the drawing board. Lynn and I both fell back on the bed and the Holy Spirit revealed something to us that day that no seminar could have. He truly is our teacher showing us spiritual truths and explaining them as soon as He delivers.
The revelation was two-fold. First, He asked us to never again put our faith in answers. But to place our faith and trust in Him. Answers come and go, but He remains steadfast. And secondly, He asked us to view His options as immeasurable. He encouraged us not to limit our answers to Door One, Door Two, or Door Three. He is an infinite God with infinite possibilities. He encouraged us to go beyond our dreams and cast our eyes on His canvas of endless options!
love true the doors, our thoughts compared to his ways....choose door number Jesus!