Friday, September 4, 2015

Day 239 The Wider Life

September 2, 2015
Day 239

Today our homestead was full of learning, art, wonder, newness, students, and teachers. In the studio the high schoolers were Art entrenched with Mary. They loved it. In the home, Terri, immersed them in ancient history. They were enthralled. And it went on like that till three in the afternoon. You could see the energy.

The Wider journey has definitely been an amazing one, filled with wonder and delight. To be at this day, after months of preparation, was like jumping off of a moving ship hoping to land safely while it was pulling away from the dock. Students thrill me. To see them process, inquire, and reflect is more fun than I should be allowed. I never wanted to be a solo homeschooler and this is a dream come true. There is so much more you can do with a smaller group.

These students are priceless and their individual bent on life is what I will enjoy learning most about as the year progresses. If today is any indication, it is going to be a great one.

Robyn, you are an amazing administrator and teacher. I enjoy working for you. Thank you for this Wider opportunity! To think and plan Wider has been just the challenge I seek.