Saturday, September 5, 2015

Day 241 Cast Your Cares

Lynn, Nicky Sue, Abigail, Jenifer
September 5, 2015
Day 241

We drive through cement structures trying to avoid reckless, apathetic pedestrians and cars. We are in pursuit of Cast Your Cares. Life feels lethargic on these Philly streets. The barbed wires that roll on top of chain link fences speak of stark measures. Humans sitting on block steps talking on their cell phones and the absence of green growth sucks the oxygen right out of the room. This path brings us straight to Jim and Jenifer's home. We call to them to open the gate. Abigail their daughter greets us as she swings wide the steel barrier and we back into a parking space. We're holding back panic. Not really, but, yeah, kinda.

Men on the street help Abby lock the gate. To "first-timers" we wonder about her safety, our safety. We base our security on the mother and daughter's. They seem calm so we breath a little.  Later in the evening during casual conversation we learn that one of the men was not familiar to them, they did have concerns. Who knew? Their countenance, at the time, certainly didn't betray it. The reality of their life seeps in faster than we are able to comprehend. We choose to think on other things. Why did we raise all that money to send our children to Peru, they could have just visited the Sniders. Respect is rising.

Their little outside cement oasis, the size of a row home, is flowing with plants. The scene is straight out of Italy. Jim has a definite green thumb and has created a vineyard sprawling overtop outdoor tables and chairs. The grapes look fake until the juice of a concord is in your mouth. The contrast is stark behind the chain link fence. It is worlds apart from the man, across the street, lying on the sidewalk. This guy has obviously caved and given into the the dark force. But this family is working for the good force of Light!

Jenifer, Nicky Sue, Abigail
Jim and Jenifer's story is worth a listen. They move from Florida, leave a successful business to do ministry. Jesus calls and they say yes.  It is one of the most dangerous, heroin infested, places in Philly under the "L." And though it takes some time, Jen's heart finally does the journey and arrives here as well. And it is here she creates a lovely space from which they daily minister and raise three amazing individuals, one of whom is still home.

It is obvious Jenifer was born to be queen. There is no one else alive, like this little slender slice of a woman, who can get me to do what they want. "As you wish, Jen!" and off I go at her command. W-i-l-l-i-n-g-l-y! But there is nothing this woman would not do for anyone. She truly is a servant.

Their ministry is called Cast Your Cares. They are always open to donations. In a couple of weeks they are doing a bike ride for hunger. This is a family putting everything on the line. They know time is short, so they figure, why not make the most of it!


  1. So good.but I need more on this one....maybe part two......?

  2. So good.but I need more on this one....maybe part two......?

  3. there was intentionality for the lack of....I want you to go to their site. I wet your appetite now you dig!
