Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Day 251 Women's Ministry - ARRGGHHH

September 15, 2015
Day 251

I love being social and hate church socials. I love being with women and hate being herded by a women's ministry team just as much as your cat. Women in the church, can we stop being so unnatural? Can we stop thinking for women?  Who in their right mind looks through the community section for a night out and puts their finger on the local women's church event? I'd rather wear a polyester dress from one of the coupons in the newspaper rather than to sit in a pew waiting to be entertained and stuffed in the "fellowship" hall. "Let them eat cake" is the most fitting phrase for us spiritually overstuffed and underworked women!

Women at IF:Pray at RCC
I want to know you! Who are you? But there is rarely space provided in the church setting to learn about you.You are too shy to be on the Women's Ministry team so you will never be known. And ministry teams are often poor delegators. This is a crime. You, my dear, have something unique to provide, something that no one else has. But we keep feeding the women ministry hogs who do not have the time to get to know you or what your gifts are. And this keeps perpetuating the superficiality.

Last night our church hosted a prayer event. It was so refreshing. A number of us women were involved, many did not know one another before the planning. Our common denominator was Jesus and Him alone and it was all we needed. It was inspiring watching women use their gifts.

The amount of time wasted while we plan boring church events is unacceptable. And when someone new comes through the church doors, we subtly target them and then encourage ourselves, "Look, the community came." When in fact it was only one lonely representative.

Here is the amazing deal. God has more grace, more patience, more mercy for these vaporous events than I ever will. He uses everything, He is the underwriter for going green, for sustainability is His middle name. While I roll my eyes he uses another ridiculous, shallow, women's  event to pull a woman closer to Him. Our God is an awesome God. He puts up with us.