Saturday, May 16, 2015

Day 130 Women

May 16, 2015
Day 130

At one thirty today, twenty-seven years ago, my life changed. Forever. A little bundle was born, Robyn Elizabeth Lynne. On her way out she aspirated meconium. The nurses knew something was different. They were monitoring her abnormal breathing unbeknownst to me.  Dr. Gross, the local pediatrician labored  to tell me that we were not able to take our new daughter home.

The nurses transferred me to a private room and for five days Robyn was in the NIC Unit. They had to determine what was the spot on Robyn's lung. So we stayed and waited.  It was our induction into parenthood - a walk on the faith side. A new daughter hooked up to tubes, this was not the way I envisioned the start to motherhood.

The day came when Lynn and I put the sweet little girl into an oversized car seat and drove her down Rt. 176 for the first of hundreds of drives she would take on this road. When we walked into our home and placed her car seat on the kitchen counter we looked at each other and wondered what we were to do next. That question has been answered.

She is a wonder woman. She is a wonderful wife. She is a loving mother. She is an excellent daughter. She is a faithful and consistent sister. And she loves Jesus! What more can her father and I ask for? !

Happy Birthday Robyn!

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