Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 133 Open Meadow of Grace

May 19, 2015
Day 133

Grace is a meadow that goes on and on and on and on and on.  A meadow that allows room for many, many, many people. It is unmerited and there are no boundaries. Acceptance, because of no boundaries, is wonderful for us. Acceptance, because of no boundaries, is questionable when it is offered to others.

The meadow of grace speaks of space, wide open space. We don't do well at offering space. Funny thing is, we don't make the rules for this meadow.

Grace is a meadow of free open range
and safety in the meadow
has everything to do with the owner.


  1. Mrs. B, I love the pictures that you paint with your words!

  2. You bless me with this comment. It means a lot to me, Elizabeth. Thank you.
