Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 132 Serious Dude

May 18, 2015
Day 132

In our home, over a century old, we are electrically challenged. And on account of this challenge, I have been told countless times to remember one thing, "Do not turn on the tea or the microwave when we are roasting coffee!" It flips a breaker.  When this happens, Chris or Lynn run down the treacherous basement stairs and quickly flip the switch.  Though things are marked, the lighting in the cellar is minimal to non existent and so sometimes it is a challenge. The basement is over one hundred years old, let's face it,  there has to be something lurking.

It frustrates me to constantly be reminded of the same thing, over and over. It is so patronizing. I am not a child. Unfortunately, I kinda don't have the best track record. My lack of remembering just rankles Lynn. I think he needs to loosen up. I wake up so happy.  His ability to laugh it off is, well, nonexistent.

Tonight I went into hysterics. I just could not help myself.  I asked Lynn to put on some tea.  He is a dutiful guy and so He does. Then he forgets everything. He struts out to do some nightly roasting completely forgetting about his stern instructions he offers me regarding tea.

The next thing I know you hear the breaker go. I look out to the kitchen and the lights are off in the kitchen as they are in the garage. I can hear him rummaging and just like that the door flies open! This is where I begin to giggle and  I can predict his face before I see it. He walks in the door, a man on a mission with all the sternness of a navy shipman on a battleship in the middle of a war. It seems as if life is about to end.

No! I am not going to say a thing. But I can not keep myself from laughing, HARD! He has to navigate his way into the basement with whoever it is that lurks and stumble to find the switch. It now goes to hysterics as it takes him a little bit of time (we're talking seconds folks).

He didn't even laugh as he went back out to roasting.

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