Friday, July 10, 2015

Day 185 To Dream the Impossible Dream

July 10, 2015
Day 185

To dream the impossible dream would look like this....

~No person would ever use their middle finger from their car directed toward me or my kin,
in an act of disgust at something I did that I didn't know I did.

~There would never be a time when my fridge was empty of butter, eggs or milk. So far so good.

~Everything that comes out of my mouth would be perfectly understood by all my family members. It's not going so well.......

~Every act of kindness that I do would be from pure, loving motives. Until that happens it's kinda pathetic.

~I would fit every piece of clothing, size medium to below, and that my self confidence would be fit for anything after leaving the fitting room.

~Sunny days would be spent in sunny moods forgetting bunnies made of dust.

~My children would think my biting sarcasm is hilarious.

~Little minions with a clear and definite purpose would surround my home every night cleaning and organizing to a military level of proficiency.

~I would think before I speak.

~I would speak exactly what I mean, mean exactly what I speak, and speak meanly to no one.

~My laundry room would look as if a minimalist had designed it.

~Painting a room would not involve cutting the edges.

~The books I am in the middle of would be read till the end.

~Time would mysteriously rewind allowing me to hold my babies again, snuggling and smothering them with kisses, like we did in days gone by.

~Every movie would be a winner from Red Box.

~Weeds would catch a disease.

~Canning and freezing could be scheduled.

~Everyone would understand where I am coming from without explanation.

~I could let my house go and it would take me no time to get it back in order.

~Each meal would be perfectly balanced, completely filling, and always refreshing, and ready when we were hungry.

~My scary basement would attract cleaners instead of mice.

~Rust was not a thing.

~Insects would have short life cycles and never lay eggs in home.

~No one would ever think that I am defensive because, you know, I never am.

1 comment:

  1. I love love this....I am game with it all especially the minions!!!!!!!!!
