Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 197 The Word that Lives

July 22, 2015
Day 197

The B - I - B - L - E , 

yes that's the Book for me!

I stand all by myself on the Word of God
(my brother's version as a wee little lad)

The B - I - B - L - E.

I study the Bible.
I read the Bible.
I eat the Bible.
I breathe the Bible.
I learn the Bible.
I fear the Bible.
I look for Jesus always in the Bible.
I look to the Bible as my mirror.
I am deeply grateful for the Bible.
I crave the Bible.
I am awed by the intense honesty included, the ugliness of humanity.
I am pulled to the Bible.
I ponder the Bible.
I mull over the Bible.
I wait long periods of time to understand the Bible. It doesn't come quick.
I want to know, intimately know, the Bible.
I need the Bible.
I hear the Bible.
I see the Bible.
I am awed by the Bible.
I am saddened by the Bible.
I am shocked by the Bible.
I drink the Bible.
I'm in a deep and abiding relationship with the author of the Bible.
The Bible has at least 39 authors.
The Bible was written over a span of fifteen hundred years.
The Bible with sixty-six books has a theme and they all tie together.
The Bible puts me in a rest mode even though life's activities are exhausting.
The Bible pulls me all around and rarely lets me land on a single understanding of an issue.
The Bible shows me my issues with a hope that pulls me to a place of action.
The Bible inspires me and calls me to do.
The Bible inspires me and calls me to be.
I live the Bible.
I honor the Bible.
I pay attention to the context of the Bible.
I observe the obvious details of the Bible.
I interpret the Bible based on the whole Bible.
The Bible is meant to be understood. So grateful for that.
There should be a warning label before any study of the Bible.
Studying the Bible is not a spiritual gift.
Studying the Bible is spiritual nourishment.
You live out a malnourished life when you do not consume the Word.
I am thrilled by the Word.
I am bathed, cleansed by the Word.
I am challenged by the Word.
I am pummeled by the Word.
I am changed by the Word.
I am consumed by the Word.
I want to dine with the author of the Bible.
I am excited to meet the participants of the Bible.
I am exhausted by the Bible to a place of surrender.
I am surprised by the Bible.
I love treasure hunting in the Bible.
I read the Bible in the good times.
I read the Bible in the bad times.
I see, I feel, I hear the theme of the Bible -
an unconditional, surrendering, counseling, comforting, cleansing love
that pulls me deep into the heart of love.
I love the Bible.

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