Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day 203 Forgive Assignment

July 28, 2015
Day 203

We arrive and we are finally home. We know we are complete and we are ready for our first assignment. We are excited, tingly, and pushing back our thoughts of grandeur. Focus on humility we remind ourselves. This relationship is all about Jesus. Yes, yes, yes, our inner thoughts agree. It is all about Jesus. We can not believe this is happening, our first assignment.

He paddles for us..
We move up to the booth where the assignments are being processed. While we wait in line we mentally list through our gifts, our advantages, our strong points. We have a feeling, this is going to be good. We move to the front of the line. We look into the boss' face. We are not prepared for His dreaminess, He is so handsome. We're completely lost in His gaze.  

He pulls us closer, almost snuggling, and it's a little uncomfortable, we want to stand tall for our orders. He's so nice and everything but he is really moving into our personal space. Is this really professional? 

We wait for our assignment. He speaks two words - Forgive and Repent. Pardon? Could you repeat that? There must be a mistake. These two words have nothing to do with our strong points, we plead internally. In fact, we have never done them well.  He pulls our faces closer to His and slowly says to us, "This is my job, Let me do this for you." His words penetrate and irritate all at the same time. He says so much with so few words.

We wonder how long this will take us, when can we move on to the next assignment. As if He heard our thoughts, with a glint in his eyes, he says,"Take your time."