Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 206 Robotic Relationship

July 31, 2015
Day 206

During my college days, I had probably one of the most instructive dreams I had ever been granted. It helped me to clearly see what is and what is not.  A dear friend of mine was attending an off campus college experience on the West Coast. She left as a ridiculously happy woman, she had a smile that pulled you close to her chest and you never wanted to leave. You said yes to every silly and sometimes dangerous thing she wanted you to do. She was the runner, the hiker, the explorer, one active woman racing to healthy living. She was precious. (and I imagine still is)

Her calls back home were concerning to me, however. "Are you a universalist?" I asked her one night as we were speaking on the phone.  Her answer made me heart sick. At this college experience she was encouraged to put the bible down and reflect. Her reflection led her to an "open mind."

That night after I fell to sleep with the knowledge that she had traded in her Savior I had this dream. 

The Dream:
Her and I were speaking of relational things and all of a sudden she stopped and then her face, from the top down, pulled away. What I saw was startling. Beneath her flesh was a robotic mass of plugs, wires and bulbs - cold hardware. What became apparent in my dream was that my friend had traded in a relationship for a program, robotically determined responses. She was not her. She had given up a relationship for a program, an obedience to a system, not the God/man, Jesus Christ.

After I awakened I knew immediately what the dream meant. Sometimes we think we are in a relationship with someone when at some point we realize they are simply following a pattern, a system and are not responding to us relationally but rather responding to us in a cold systematic manner.  This dream has played out many different times during my lifetime.

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