Friday, July 8, 2016

Day 185: July 8, 2016 A Word for You

July 8, 2016
Day 185

A Word For You

As I was about to write this blog, in mid thought, God stopped me. He asked me ( He asks by sudden thoughts, a change in direction) to write to you. I do not know who you are but I do know I am to be obedient. God wants you to hear this.

Tonight you wondered about a lot of things. Your thoughts were jumbled, racing and confusing. However, there was some clarity to them and you know you must change, you must switch direction. God wants you to know He is the guide in all of this. You are not to be confused or disoriented by your thoughts but rather rest through and with them and wait for His direction. To base a decision on your thoughts would be foolish for they shift like the sand. You do not have to wait for your thoughts to line up in order. This is what God really wants you to understand. He can speak to you through the tangled mess. But you must listen and write the thoughts down. They will come to you seemingly out of nowhere. Pay attention. Write them down. You can even put them aside for a day and look at them after. The thoughts will be from Him. You are not to organize yours, you are to listen for His.

He wants you to know this tonight. Yes, this is for you!  God bless.

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