Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Day 196: July 20, 2016 Children = Joy

July 20, 2016
Day 196

                                                Children = Joy

Sitting by Lake Ontario, a place that brings back childhood memories, is refreshing.

Little did I know I would be the mother to six children when I walked this land.

Little did I know that I would have three men and three women.

These individuals do not stand still.

They instigate silly.

The one on top I would adopt if her loving parents would just give her up. 
They NEVER will, they love well.

Children are joy and find joy in a patch of grass even near the banks of Lake Ontario.

The men take the load. 
Their example is my all time favorite man.

With these folks, a line up is near impossible.

To capture the jump is all about timing.
 It will come.

Six children means conferences and compromises. 
Something I never had to do with my only brother.

We are children that eventually give birth to children.

Many things happen when all six are together. 
And many things do not.

Large families offer much. 
And they do this with very little.

Families have the power to mobilize.

Families should unite.

Families need to understand their goal.

Families united are families united.

To be in a family is to be loved 
and to show love.

What a privilege to have three women 
and three men as our children.

Joy floods our soul as together we walk this earth. 
I do love my family.


  1. Ohhh i love this, the pictures, the words, the people!

    1. And we love you! You mean more to our family than maybe our words can ever convey! Dale Cupo is a favored "other" mom.

  2. Ohhh i love this, the pictures, the words, the people!
