Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 35 - If God Then What

February 9, 2015
Day 35

My husband asked me, "Lynne, what is your elevator pitch for IF:Gathering?" Hmmm.. if only I knew what that meant. He knows my fear of elevators! Google provided answers. Straight from Wikipedia, "an elevator pitch... is a short summary used to quickly and simply define a profession, product, service, organization or event and its value proposition."

The Holy Spirit has raised up a team of women calling themselves, If:Gathering, to equip women to serve the Risen Savior who is in the world today. They are challenging women to use their voice, who knew? Women have a voice? Their voice can be used without looking aggressive, too assertive, not submissive enough? They are calling them to use their God given gifts. Why? Simply because our time on earth is meant to glorify Him and to be about the Great Commission - Go and make disciples.

These women make no bones about the need to wrestle with our faith, to seek Him in the messy dark and daunting times. He desires to use even us as He recycles our dark times. He provides us comfort during suffering that then can be used to comfort others. This life stinks but He knows how to use all of that!

Women's conferences have always frustrated me. They fall into the same rut: highlight an individual in the Body (that's what the world does), demand a high fee to attend (that's what the world does), create one venue for people to come or they miss out (that's what the world does), talk about things that can make our life more spiritually satisfying (That's what the world does. The world is all about self-satisfaction, christians just christianize it - repackage the same product. ). These women, clearly following the Spirit, are charting a new path.

If:Gathering swung wide the gates, yelling loudly, "Hey! Everybody! Come, be with us!" Though they needed much more than that, their suggested donation was $25, but they would accept $1. They highlighted women refined by fire. There were no sickening sweet stories. Though I now want jeans with holes, high chunky heeled boots, long dangling earrings, necklaces, sweater vests that swag and raggedy-looking shirts (with all due respect). The apparel and accessories did not distract, but instead highlighted true women of faith - Women who are authentic, real, willing to be vulnerable, wickedly full of humor and make you yearn to be more Christ like! How did they do that!?????? They lifted Jesus higher than themselves. Why? For the world to see.


We women are not only to be bringing home the bacon but we are to bringing home the sinners!