Saturday, October 10, 2015

Day 276 Insecurity Breeds Insecurity

October 10, 2015
Day 276
Student Designed Logo- Reagan Spahr
and tagline Sam Petersheim

Two weeks before the Wider School started I was a nervous, insecure, bundle of wreck thinking about the BEST Robotic competition. I had been pursuing and committing to this impressive endeavor since the Spring but I was definitely rethinking this. My feet were beyond cold, we are talking frostbite.

Brainstorming with the parents
Yes, I enjoyed my conversation with Dr. Stephen Feldbauer. And yes I have an insatiable curiosity and it was definitely fueled by this process. But no, I was not feeling in the zone. Why? I knew nothing about engineering, programming, calculating. This was completely and totally out of my league, I was losing Wider Focus fast.

I was taking on the "old views" of teaching - you should know of what you speak. But the "The Wider View" is,
lead them to the knowledge.  So, what was happening to me? Well, I was allowing my insecurity to breed insecurity.

BEST Robotic Kickoff Day in DuBois
I have written many emails and letters that remain in a waste pile that have never been sent. You know of what I speak. But this is one email I was stupid enough to send (yes, I used the "S" word, and I mean it).  I told the professor we were more than likely pulling out.

I shudder when I think of this. My insecurity had the potential to keep these students from one of the most engaging, potentially life-changing academic activities. Because I did not know enough, I almost kept them from knowing more.

Andrew and Daniel
Give a student a problem and watch them fix it. For the past four weeks that is exactly what we, the parents, have witnessed. Daniel, a student on the Design team, told Francine Fulton, from the Community Courier, that their team had 41 changes from their original design. Though the dads have walked alongside these students, they have not done the work. They have only discussed, suggested, and helped them to think, to process. All of which is allowed and encouraged.

So many have asked me how I knew about the BEST Robotics Competitions. I had never heard of it before last March. All I can say is, I was led. But learning more about BEST Robotics made me feel there had to be a catch somewhere, it seemed too good to be true. After four weeks of watching students work, process, build, rebuild, and dads helping, it still seems too good to be true.

My insecurity almost kept nine students from entering an invigorating, educational, robotic, opportunity. I must remember to forge past these insecurities and continue to look for endeavors just like this one that will help a student become more equipped for the 21st century than less. Don't forget this, Lynne!

Many Meals Shared-We'll Miss This!


  1. Love this piece and that you are curious enough to even inquire. What a great experience this is.
