Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Day 301: November 4, 2015 Trinity Vulnerable

November 4, 2015 Trinity Vulnerable
Day 301

We turn away and head firmly off to beauty, boldness, confidence, assertiveness, intelligence and wealth. We want winners, not losers. But the lover wants losers. He bends down, lifts up, scoops in, eats with, places hands on the grime, the slime and he kisses the unlovely. He turns not from the least but races towards them nuzzling His neck in theirs.

His love-filled plan came before anyone dishonored Him. It came before terror. It came before abuse. It came before betrayal, deception, or denial. It was not Plan B. It was The Plan, always. Before creation, during creation, after creation, this terrifying, vulnerable, ultimate loving plan was in place. The heart of the trinity, the fellowship, they knew the risk and they were led in love. To us.

Jumping off of a 1,000 foot cliff into a canyon with seemingly no end, stopped by a floor covered in charred glass would be less terrifying than the vulnerability of true love in a female womb, birthed in unsanitary conditions and ultimately crucified on a cross. This was their risk for redemption's sake because we were joy, to them, to Him. Only the trinity sees this way. Only the trinity leads this way. Only the trinity loves this way.

The mystery of the trinity, their secrecy of salvation, resulted in His ex-communication from the Father. Who knew? They knew. They did it for us, for the joy set before them. They wanted us included in their tight knit fellowship. His death meant our life.

How can this be?
Salvation love, so rich, so free?
I know no other name for me.
My Jesus Christ has set me free.

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