Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 304 Jesse Now Twelve

November 7, 2015
Day 304

Dear Jesse,

I clearly remember the day you were coming. I sat out in our suburban, having contractions, waving to your brothers and sisters inside.  Your father had many errands that day so my labor seemed to work out really well for him. He needed to come into Reading anyway. I'm so proud of your poppa, son. He has never let the birthing process impede what he needed to accomplish. He made sure of his sleep quota with Robyn. I'm not sure where he was when I was laboring with Chris. He brought me to Queen City dinner so that he could have sustenance before Kathryn's arrival. That bench never has been the same since. I finally nailed him down with Geoff! I had Geoff at home.  With Nicky, that guy was able to catch up on some long lost rest again.

All that aside, what a privilege it is to be the mother of you, Jesse Nathaniel Lynn Burkholder! You were born, November 7, 2003. You have heard many times that when I first laid my eyes on you I threw my head back and howled! Simply howled. I could not believe I was holding my father in law. Little did I know at that moment the intense youthfulness you would bring me. Yes, you were an old soul in my arms but you have kept me very, very young. If I could have seen who you were to become, who you would be as a baby, I would have never been so nonchalant about another child! I would have rushed to have you!

Many folks live life as if it is their right to carve out their own time. And they think that having a baby at 41 is like going back ten steps on the "game board" of life. Yeah, I missed out on many of the activities my girlfriends were doing. They sometimes didn't even check if I could join them. But I had you! And this made all the difference A fifty something year old and a twelve year old is a recipe for a heck of a lot of fun! Give me more of that!

I loved sitting with you side by side at the library yesterday, Jesse. Your arm around me, my head on your shoulder and you pulling me in closer still. I am a lucky gal.

Happy Birthday Jesse. I love you so much and am so grateful to be loved by the person that you are.
Please live as if you were placed here by Jesus!

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