Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Day 322 Early Sunday Morning

November 24, 2015
Day 322

Early on Sunday morning, before the break of dawn, I sit and begin to write a blog post. It is about hearing from God. Believing that He heals, He speaks, He leads and He guides.

I hear from Robyn.

Robyn: Mom, I am bleeding. You need to come. Theo is sleeping but he will wake up and can you please come.
Me: I will be right over. And Honey, it is going to be ok.
(Robyn is 32 weeks pregnant. She looks great. But I remember thinking, on Saturday as we were shopping together for our individual Thanksgiving meals, boy her tummy looks like it is really out there.)
Robyn: Silence, sniffling

My clothes are on. I hop in the car. I have done this before, many times. It is a call to walk into the unknown. The list varies and it is with different children each time but every moment has the same elements - The Unknown. Will they survive, will they be different, will life remain the same etc. And in these moments, you can either tense your muscles against the unknown or you can breath, and do so deeply. I choose to breath, and do so deeply.

My grandson Theo leads the way. His day is unfettered, there are no worries for a little boy who can still ride his dinosaur. And ride he does. Jesus calls us to lay down our burdens, concerns, and all worries on Him. And once you have laid it all down, you can ride your dinosaur too.

By early afternoon we have news. Robyn's cervix is blocked by her placenta. She has placenta previa.
The baby is healthy but Robyn is told that the second occurrence of bleeding is now what they are worried about. So she needs someone around 24/7 and if bleeding occurs it is an ambulance ride to an emergency C-Section. The baby received, via her mommy, two shots of steroids. This will enable the little girl's lungs to be strong upon her early arrival.

So our prayer is this: Jesus will you please protect Robyn and RJ's little girl from any harm. Will you please keep Robyn from any more bleeding and allow this baby four more weeks inside her momma's womb until December 18th when the C-Section is scheduled. And Thank you Lord for showing Robyn and RJ this so that they can be prepared!

Geoffrey, the first baby Robyn cared for, had a dream a number of weeks ago. He shared it with me and it was such that Geoff and I began to pray for the health of the baby. God does speak and He uses dreams all the time! This one brought us to pray.

Geoff calls me from church as I was at Robyn and RJ's home with Theo.

Geoff: Mom, remember the dream?
Lynne: Oh, wow, Geoff! I had forgotten the dream. But yes!
Geoff: Yeah, it all lines up.

God is good that way. So, folks, keeps us in your prayers and ask God to give this little girl a December 18th birthday!  And remember, God speaks.

1 comment:

  1. Praying ...So glad all is ok and love the riding dinosaurs thoughts.
