Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Day 33: February 2, 2016 Beyond to Comprehend

February 2, 2016
Day 33

He knows, I don't. He listens, I keep one ear to the wind. He loves, I love poorly. He is consistent, I am not. He is faithful, I am hit or miss. He sees all, I see in part. He creates and it is good, I create and it's ok. He is patient, I am not. He is compassionate, I try. He is long-suffering, I hate suffering.

He loves me beyond and in spite of my insecurity. He loves me beyond and in spite of my inconsistency. He loves me beyond and in spite of my faithlessness. He loves me beyond and in spite of my disobedience.

His love for me is not fostered or factored by my capabilities. His eternal and infinite might fuels His affection.

Do you see why it is a sin for me to fret? Worry is not part of the spiritual lexicon. My time is better spent comprehending His love. For this will take a lifetime and beyond to comprehend this kind of penetrating, all encompassing love.