Saturday, February 13, 2016

Day 44: February 13, 2016 Lent Content

February 13, 2016
Day 44  Lent Content

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me is a verse we often use to pump us up. We throw a thanks to Christ over our shoulder telling Him how much we appreciate the work He did for us so that we can do, all, things. Really, thanks for the strength. Now, let me look at my shopping/prayer list.

1. Thank you that I can look really good for this meeting. I just love when you lead me to the right rack at the right time. I saw that Lady looking at the outfit. But you parted the way just like you did for those precious Israelites. You are so good.
2. Thank you for the endurance you give me to shop. Thank you. I was so tired after such a busy week but you knew I needed to accessorize my outfit.
3. Thank you for the energy you gave me to stay up. I'm really on a time crunch, dear Lord, and we really need some place to stay for our Spring Break.
4. Thank you for allowing me the courage to invite my neighbor to that social. I really hope the favors we made make an impact on my neighbor's life and her family. You are such a good God.
5.Thank you that I can buy that car with so little money. Thanks so much.
6.Oh, just thank you that I can do all things through you.

And now for the context of the verse found in Philippians 4:10-13-

Paul knows what it is to be in need. He knows what it is to have plenty. He has learned the secret to be content in every and any circumstance, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. And this is where Paul states, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

There is something in this verse I had not noticed before - the word content. This strengthening has more to do with character development than achievement of personal lists or energy needed to accomplish a given task.  The definition of "doing" is all about believing and it looks like believing leads to contentment.  I can be content in all things through Christ who strengthens me, even if it looks different than what my wishes has listed. I can be content through Christ who strengthens me in all things. Yes, we do need strength to be content!

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