Thursday, November 26, 2015

Day 324 Come Dine With Me

November 26, 2015
Day 324

Those whom I love, I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelation 3:19

The meal maker, daily,  invites us to a thanksgiving meal. He stands at the door, waiting. The One who loves us fully, waits. He is ready to come in and eat with me and I with Him, typical trinity fashion; a beautiful weave, in and through and through and in, but He waits.

He waits for us to say, "I need you. I am empty. I can not do this. I am wrong. You are right. I need you. Will you forgive me."

On a dime.

His voice, "Here I am, for you!" His knock, "I forgive, you." His call, "Let's eat a thanksgiving meal, together."  

Our repentance expresses gratitude, thankfulness to our lover. His deep sacrificial, painful love was for the knock on the door. Only you can open.

He is the only One who takes time, to guide, rebuke and discipline us. He is our educator, leading and guiding us to bend and mold to His truth teachings, His ways. His ways always spell L - O - V - E.

So be earnest and repent. Open the door, thank Him by repenting and enjoy the thanksgiving meal. He is the only who has exactly what you need all the time at every moment. He is the only one who stands at the door and knocks. He will come in and eat with you.