Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Day 211: August 9,2016 Introducing GPS

August 9, 2016
Day 211

Introducing GPS

Tonight a group of women from over ten different churches met at Conestoga Mennonite Church. We are endeavoring to develop a template for every willing congregation to use as a way to shepherd their members in crisis. We are calling it GPS. These three letters stand for a combination of the following: Gals protecting Sisters/Siblings or Guys and Gals protecting Sisters/Siblings or God protecting Siblings.

The Holy Spirit is calling the Body of Christ to love well as we pay attention to suffering within the Body. We are called to have God's eyes and God's heart. And we are called to listen with God's ears and bring to light the things that lurk in the dark. We endeavor to end the silence and to allow those suffering the right to use their voice. We are to be paying more attention to those in our midst who are in pain. We are endeavoring to learn more about issues that haunt our Body such as; domestic violence, pornography, addiction, incest, and child abuse. We are called to know the counselors and their levels of expertise in our surrounding areas. For we are to be the best referral system as we "stay in our lane" but be willing to walk alongside and in the sufferer's shoes. We are being called to a higher level of love.

We are excited to see how this will grow organically as each Body will have the freedom to develop the template into something well suited to their own particular needs. We see the Body of Christ reaching arms over denominational boundaries and locking hands. We see a working together towards freedom of the oppressed. God is working and calling men and women to act like brothers and sisters within the Body of Christ and the women who met tonight are hungry and anxious to see this happen.

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