Sunday, May 1, 2016

Day 122: May 1, 2016 Who Needs God

May 1, 2016             Who Needs God
Day 122

I  want to respond how I desire. I want to do what I want, make my own decisions, listen to my   thoughts. Please, no talking.

o not interfere me with my ways, interrupt my thoughts or challenge my arguments. I will establish my protocol. I know how.

O nly be still and know I have it covered. I'm good. For I am in control and will lean on my own understanding. I do not need to acknowledge yours. It is the 21st Century.

L eave me be, I can do anything I put my mind to. Watch me and learn. I can do all things through my strength, even I amaze myself.

A llow me to express myself however I desire. I am free to speak my mind and I will.

T reat me with respect and understand my unalienable rights.They are a good start but I have many more.The world is mine. I will seek first the establishing of my world and add all that I deem necessary.

R ely on me. I know how to take care of myself. I can take care of you.

Y earn to be like me.I can teach you so much. If you are weary, get some rest. I am all about the work ethic. I hate whimps.


  1. Were you at Hopewell this morning!?!? Seriously, were you? Guerty came and taught an amazing sermon on Adoration vs Idolatry now you post this.......

  2. Guerty is our brother Dina, we share the same God! :) I do love that man! I have been thinking about Idolatry and this is how it came out. I realized that the idols were actually just extensions of ourselves and what we like best about us.... Man, what an honor to same the same things as Guerty!

    1. For real. How cool to see that connection. If you have time you should jump on the Hopewell website and listen to his message, man oh man it was powerful!! Should be posted by Tues. :-)

    2. I will try to do that! I also need to hear Vince's sermon....I was in Children's Church - we are using the curriculum we used at Hopewell - the Jesus Film! Love it and the beat keeps on going. RCC is seeking God in a new way, pretty freaking cool. Let's keep in the flow!
