Thursday, June 25, 2015

Day 170 You Show Up

June 25, 2015
Day 170

Dear Friend (and you know who you are!),

YOU show up every time you enter my home and I love it!  YOU are vulnerable. You live your life on your sleeve. I love that about you. I cheer you on to be more vulnerable. Just continue to give us YOU because your honesty pulls us into loving you more.

And NO! I am not looking for you to mess up, referring to our “garden talk.” Are you freaking kidding? I am loving the way you do life. I love where your feet are directed. Sure, you might look like you might get whiplash sometimes, but join the great cloud! The witnesses looking down at us were mess ups allowing someone else to clean them up.

I know God relishes His girl. I can see Him smiling when you share. His gaze is priceless. He never falls asleep on you like I do. I am incapable of providing you with enough containers for your sharing. His containers are endless, He even keeps your tears. He can never get enough of you. He created eternity for you (and the rest).

Waiting for you to mess up? That's messed up! I do not see a mess up for I take my cues from Him. I see a woman living life in a sin sacked world navigating the obstacles with raw, fresh emotion and reactions! If you would say, “Google! What crowd should I care most about?” Google would answer, “The crowd that cheers you on.” This is cloud based. (Heb. 12:1) Satan loves pitting us against those familiar to us. But we are to tell the liar- GET BEHIND ME! It is not to the familiar ones. Don’t forget this, it will help you keep on the high road with relationships. Do not forget what's what and what's not!

My brilliant friend, you were courageous enough to brave the “other route” and delay the four year bachelor degree. You nailed the two year one. Being a follower kinda messes with schedules….just saying, so if you are feeling pressure to get something done, figure out where the pressure is coming from and turn off that blaring alarm! Waiting for you to mess up??? Puhleeze! No! You will see the way, you know what LIGHT to follow. This is half of the battle. There are many who have their degrees and are already dissatisfied and they will work it out as well. It all comes out in the wash, my friend!

Sure you have a ways to go, so do I! So do all the lovely looking folks. Unless someone is God, they have a long way to go - simple basic fact. Those who claim to be God have visiting hours and they are not free to leave their residence.

Thank you for who you are! You are spectacular. Our entire family is drawn towards you, we know we are among the godly.

Here's a little jig for ya:

If you’re messy and you know it say I am!
If you’re messy and you know it way I am!
If you’re messy and you know it,
Then your face will really show it.
If you’re messy and you know it say I am!

The world is not real keen on this jig. The one who looks at you with intense love, however,
depends on this jig because this is the only point from which He works!

I LOVE WHO YOU ARE! Thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey! I mean this from the bottom of my heart. 

Cheers to you, Woman!

Your sleepy listener

ps. Notice I have not said anything like….I just know you are going to make something of yourself…...those are “worldly words.” I want nothing to do with that kind of pressure/encouragement. This is what I am confident of - God loves you and uses you and upon reflection you will see what He made out of you. His Hand is in everything. It is just that He's a messy cook!

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