Sunday, January 10, 2016

Day 10: January 10, 2016 - God's Got Problems

January 10, 2016
Day 10 God's Got Problems

Many times when I am faced with other's problems and even my own, I begin to determine how to fix the problems. I start to strategize and many times nervously start to shake about the problem. But I push through that nervousness and begin the process of "figuring it out."


I need, ok, must, remember one thing and one thing only, and excuse the poor grammar - I can't fix no problems. That's not my gig. I can help you and you can help me but you and I can't fix each others' issues. Only God can do the work and when we let Him - wow! Can He do work!!!!

Also, the reality is this, the worlds' problems are God's. God's got problems! And by the looks of it, He has a mess on His hands.  If He is the one who holds everything in His hands He is holding all the problems. He even holds your tears in a vessel. He is the one who has created everyone and He intimately knows everyone. Therefore He is the only One who can ultimately help.

We can't see into someone's heart, but He can. He is the one with ultimate power. He is the one who grieves. He is the one who can stand at your heart's door waiting for you to open it. We can't get into each other. Only He has the capacity to completely change someone. Bottom line, He is in charge.

Therefore, since He is in charge, I am not. He is the commander and I am the soldier. He gives the orders, the maneuvers, the strategy and I, well, I follow. This allows me to sleep well. God never sleeps. He is on duty twenty four seven. He is always working towards our restorative end.

But that doesn't change the fact that God's got some real big problems on His Hands. Yes, of course I know He died to save us. That work is finished. Sanctification and restoration, spiritual warfare, folks that is ongoing! God has given me a love and I so want to help walk out of the woods my sisters and brothers. But I have no idea how, only God does. So it is all up to Him. He is my commander. He has to give me the orders, let me know.

And this folks is rest. I simply
wait, listen and follow (better word obey).

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